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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2021 May ( Volume# 42 Number# 3 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of May 2021.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 Invasion of the freshwater snail Physella acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) in selected ponds of North Dinajpur, India P. Paul and G. Aditya India ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Evaluation of Atrichum undulatum as an effective indicator of lead pollution in soil N. Yang, M. Dong, Z. Xu, X. Zhou, Z. Xu and W. Ku China ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Exploring genetic variability in ethyl methane sulfonate mediated mutant population of Wagad cultivar of Gossypium herbaceum U. Kumar, S.V. Sawant and H.K.Yadav India ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Induction of genetic variability for quantitative traits in horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) through irradiation mutagenesis S. Priyanka, R. Sudhagar, C. Vanniarajan, K. Ganesamurthy and J. Souframanien India ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Host suitability and differential performance parameters of cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis for resistance in fibre crop, kenaf genotypes S. Satpathy, B.S. Gotyal, N. M. Alam and V. Ramesh Babu India ABSTRACT PAPER
6 Quercetin mediated inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms and the impact of the isolate phenotype E.H. Eldrehmy, S.M. Abdel-Hafez, Y.S. Alghamdi, M.M. Soliman, S.H. Alotaibi, A. Alkhedaide, M.Y. Hassan, H.H. Amer and Nada Alqadri Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT PAPER
7 Screening and characterization of nutrient solubilizing phytobeneficial rhizobacteria from healthy coconut palms in root (wilt) diseased tract of Kerala, India S. Indhuja, M. Babu, A. Gupta, M. Gopal, J. Mathew, R.J. Thomas, A.A. Harıs and V. Krishnakumar India ABSTRACT PAPER
8 An insight into the sequential changes in enzymatic activities during retting of jute (Corchorus spp. L.). B. Majumdar, A.R. Saha, S. Sarkar, S.K. Sarkar, S.P. Mazumdar, L. Chattopadhyay and S. Barai India ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Bioprospecting of microbial isolates from biodynamic preparations for PGPR and biocontrol properties S. Vaish, N. Garg and I.Z. Ahmad India ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Effect of different rearing conditions on the shelf-life of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during ice storage S.M.A. Javith, K.A.M. Xavier, B.B. Nayak, H.S. Kumar, V. Harikrishna, A.K. Balange and G. Krishna India ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Efficacy evaluation of Rauwolfia serpentina against Chromium (VI) toxicity in fish, Channa punctatus S.P. Trivedi, V. Kumar, S. Singh and M. Kumar India ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Comparative profiling of drought induced root metabolic responses in sugarcane wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus (IND 04-1335) and a commercial variety Co 99004 R. Valarmathi, H.K.M. Swamy, K. Preeti and C. Appunu India ABSTRACT PAPER
13 Identification and evaluation of bunch components of Nigerian source oil palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) from Hut Bay, Little Andaman Island, India P. Murugesan, D. Ramajayam, P. Preethi, H.P. Bhagya, G. Ravichandran, P. Anitha, G. Somasundaram, R.K. India ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Carbon sequestration potential under tea based cropping system S. Alom, R. Das, U. Baruah, S. Das and R.P. Bhuyan India ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Relative incidence of aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) and Alternaria blight on mustard in sub-mountainous region of Punjab Rakesh Kumar Sharma and K.K. Sharma India ABSTRACT PAPER
16 Physico-chemical and hydrological properties of soilless substrates Anbarasu Mariyappillai and Gurusamy Arumugam India ABSTRACT PAPER
17 Determination of antifungal efficiency of some fungicides and secondary metabolites of Trichoderma species against Botrytis cinerea N.G. Savas, M. Yıldız, R. Eltem and E. Ozkale Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
18 Impact of different drying methods on nutritional quality of Garcinia cowa and Garcinia pedunculata fruits I. Sagolsem, S. Rathi and S. Baishya India ABSTRACT PAPER
19 Response of guava var. Arka Amulya to branch bending during winter and summer in the Eastern tropical region of India D. Samant and K. Kishore India ABSTRACT PAPER
20 Effect of phosphorous in combination with biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of strawberry cv. Winter Dawn G.Chandramohan Reddy, R.K. Goyal and A.K. Godara India ABSTRACT PAPER