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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2012 Jul ( Volume# 33 Number# 4 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of Jul 2012.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 In-vitro shoot regeneration via caulogenesis in fern, Pteris vittata L. Shastri P. Shukla and P. B. Khare India ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Evaluation of potable groundwater quality in some villages of Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh, India M.A. Rasheed, B. Anu Radha, P. L. Srinivasa Rao, M. Lakshmi, J. Bala Chennaiah and A.M.Dayal India ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Effect of sodium nitroprusside on morphological characters under chilling stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Abha Chohan, Usha Parmar and S.K. Raina India ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Identification of DNA damage in marine fish Therapon jarbua by comet assay technique N. Nagarani, V. Janaki Devi and A.K. Kumaraguru India ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Distribution of enteric bacteria in the sediments of Parangipettai and Cuddalore coast of India P. Murugesan, K. Revathi, S. Elayaraja, S. Vijayalakshmi and T. Balasubramanian India ABSTRACT PAPER
6 Effects of five earthworm species on some physico-chemical properties of soil P.S. Chaudhuri, T.K. Pal, Sabyasachi Nath and S.K. Dey India ABSTRACT PAPER
7 Biodegradation of anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 10311 P.S. Ambily and M.S. Jisha India ABSTRACT PAPER
8 In vivo interactions of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria spp. and Metarhizium anisopliae with selected opportunistic soil fungi of sugarcane ecosystem N. Geetha, M. Preseetha, K. Hari, G. Santhalakshmi and K. Subadra Bai India ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Environmental monitoring of adulterated gasoline with kerosene and their assessment at exhaust level Sukesh Narayan Sinha and V. K.Shivgotra India ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Morphological changes in the gills of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) exposed to coal mining effluent water B.K. Mylliemngap and S.N. Ramanujam India ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Seasonal variations and biodiversity of zooplankton in Harsool-Savangi dam, Aurangabad, India S.E. Shinde, T.S. Pathan and D.L. Sonawane India ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Effect of fluoride pollution on genetic diversity of a medicinal tree, Syzygium cumini Suphiya Khan, Mamta Baunthiyal, Alka Kumari and Vinay Sharma India ABSTRACT PAPER
13 Impact of coal mining on soil characteristics around Ib river coalfield, Orissa, India Haraprasad Mohapatra and Shreerup Goswami India ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Analysis of heavy metals in dying wetland Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India M. Sridevi Karpagavalli, P. Malini and A. Ramachandran India ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Analysis of lactate and malate dehydrogenase enzyme profiles of selected major carps of wetland of Calcutta Madhumita Manna and Priyanka Chakraborty India ABSTRACT PAPER
16 Correlation of total heterotrophic bacterial load in relation with hydrographical features of Pazhayakayal estuary, Tuticorin, India J. Rani, Anita Kannagi and V. Shanthi India ABSTRACT PAPER
17 Studies on antimicrobial efficacy of medicinal tuberous shrub Talinum cuneifolium N. Savithramma, S. Ankanna, M. Linga Rao and J. Saradvathi India ABSTRACT PAPER
18 Studies on genetic divergence among Indian varieties of a spice herb, Coriandrum sativum S.K. Singh, R.K. Kakani, R.S. Meena, Anjly Pancholy, Rakesh Pathak and Aparna Raturi India ABSTRACT PAPER
19 Floristic diversity of regenerated tree species in Dipterocarp forests in Western Ghats of Karnataka, India A.G. Devi Prasad and Nageeb, A. Al-Sagheer India ABSTRACT PAPER
20 Effect of a non steroidal tamoxifen on the gonad and sex differentiation in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Ruchi Singh, A. K Singh and Madhu Tripathi India ABSTRACT PAPER
21 Evaluation of the estrogenic effects of Bisphenol-A on male freshwater prawn Macrobrachium asperulum Kai-Hsiang Huang, Yuh-Wen Chiu, Shu-Yin Wang, Hon-Cheng Chen and Da-Ji Huang China ABSTRACT PAPER
22 Effect of some plant growth regulators on lindane and alpha-endosulfan toxicity to Brassica chinensis Waraporn Chouychai Thailand ABSTRACT PAPER
23 Determination of incoming solar radiation in major tree species in Turkey Osman Yalcin Yilmaz, Orhan Sevgi and Ayhan Koc Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
24 Appearance and characteristics of major phytoplankton species based on long-term monitoring datasets in southern sea of Korea Young Sik Lee and Jin Young Kim Korea ABSTRACT PAPER
25 Studies on water quality and pathogenic bacteria in coastal water Langkawi, Malaysia K.C.A. Jalal, H.N. Noor Faizul, M. Azrul Naim, B. Akbar John and B.Y. Kamaruzzaman Malaysia ABSTRACT PAPER