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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2011 July ( Volume# 32 Number# 4 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of July 2011.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 Temporal dynamics of Trichodesmium erythraeum (Cyanophyta) in the National Park "Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano" in the Gulf of Mexico Jose A. Ake-Castillo Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Chaetognatha in the Bahia Magdalena lagoon complex, Baja California Sur, mexico: Species composition and assemblages M.S. Cota Meza Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Freeze survival of the cyanobacteria Microcoleus chthonoplastes without cryoprotector Erick J. Nunez-Vazquez, Dariel Tovar-Ramírez, Alejandra Heredia-Tapia and Jose Luis Ochoa Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Impact of harmful algal blooms on wild and cultured animals in the Gulf of California Erick J. Nunez-Vazquez, Ismael Garate-Lizarraga, Christine J. Band-Schmidt, A. Cordero-Tapia, David J. Lopez-Cortes, Francisco E. Hernandez Sandoval, Alejandra Heredia-Tapia and Jose J. Bustillos-Guzman Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Ecological composition and distribution of the diatoms from the Laguna Superior, Oaxaca, Mexico Jose Luis Moreno-Ruiz, Margarito Tapia-Garcia, Sergio Licea, Maria Guadalupe Figueroa-Torres, Alfonso Esquivel, Jorge Eduardo Herrera-Galindo, Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Fernandez and Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez-Macias Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
6 A suggested local regions in the Southern Gulf of Mexico using a diatom database (1979-2002) and oceanic hidrographic features Sergio Licea, Ma. E. Zamudio, J.L. Moreno-Ruiz, R. Luna Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
7 The cladoceran trophic status in the nitrogen limited ecosystem of lake Kinneret (Israel) Moshe Gophen Migal Israel ABSTRACT PAPER
8 Trachelomonas (Euglenophyta) from a eutrophic reservoir in Central Mexico Gloria Garduno Solorzano, Maria Guadalupe Oliva Martinez, Alfonso Lugo Vazquez, Maria Berenit Mendoza Garfias, Rafael Emiliano Quintanar Zuniga and Visitacion Conforti. Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Seasonal variations in zooplankton abundances in the Iturbide reservoir (Isidro Fabela, State of Mexico, Mexico) S.S.S. Sarma, Lidia Rosario Osnaya-Espinosa, Claudia Romina Aguilar-Acosta and S. Nandini Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Age effect on the antioxidant activity of Daphnia magna (Anomopoda: Daphniidae): Does younger mean more sensitivity? Arzate-Cardenas Mario Alberto, Ortiz-Butron Rocio and Martinez-Jeronimo Fernando Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Somatic and population growth responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia pulex (Cladocera) to changes in food (Chlorella vulgaris) level and temperature Jose Luis Gama-Flores, Maria Elena Huidobro-Salas, S.S.S. Sarma and S. Nandini Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Planktonic ciliates in a hypertrophic pond: Functional role and importance Sanchez Rodriguez Ma. del Rosario, Lugo Vazquez Alfonso, Oliva Martinez Ma. Guadalupe, Verver y Vargas Garcia Jaqueline, Rodriguez Rocha Armando and Peralta Soriano Laura Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
13 Elaphoidella grandidieri (Harpacticoida: Copepoda): Demographic characteristics and possible use as live prey in aquaculture S. Nandini, Alma Rosa Nunez Ortiz and S.S.S. Sarma Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Population dynamics of the tropical cladoceran Ceriodaphnia rigaudi Richard, 1894 (Crustacea: Anomopoda). Effect of food type and temperature Fernando Martinez-Jeronimo and Claudia Ventura-Lopez Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Studies on comparative population growth of some species of the rotifer Lecane (Rotifera) C.R. Serrania-Soto, S.S.S. Sarma and S. Nandini Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER