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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2009 Mar ( Volume# 30 Number# 3 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of Mar 2009.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 Cadmium: Toxicity and tolerance in plants S. Aiman Hasan, Q. Fariduddin, B. Ali, S. Hayat and A. Ahmad India ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Bioconcentration of heavy metals in selected medicinal plants of India G. Agoramoorthy, F.A. Chen, V. Venkatesalu and P.C. Shea Taiwan ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Effects of release cutting on the development of young natural lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich) stands of western Mediterranean region of Turkey Ramazan Ozcelik and Unal Eler Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Samara size versus dispersal and seedling establishment in Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle J.A. Delgado, M.D. Jimenez and A. Gomez Spain ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in waste site of ede south west Nigeria A.C. Achudume and J.T. Olawale Nigeria ABSTRACT PAPER
6 Seasonal changes in the rotifer (Rotifera) diversity from a tropical high altitude reservoir (Valle de Bravo, Mexico) Jorge Jimenez Contreras, S.S.S. Sarma, Martin Merino-Ibarra and S. Nandini Mexico ABSTRACT PAPER
7 Studies on antimicrobial activity of pyramidal black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana var. pyramidata): an endemic plant close to become extinct Ulku Eser Unaldi and Sevil Toroglu Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
8 Analysis of the distribution of epiphytic lichens on Cedrus libani in Elmali Research Forest (Antalya, Turkey) Gulsah Cobanoglu and Orhan Sevgi Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Accumulation of chromium and interaction with other elements in Chlorella vulgaris (Cloroficeae) and Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) L. Regaldo, A.M. Gagneten and H. Troiani Argentina ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Role of endosulfan in mediating stress responses in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench G.M. Vidyasagar, D. Kotresha, N. Sreenivasa and Ramesh Karnam India ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Larvicidal activity of the extracts from different parts of the plant Solanum xanthocarpum against important mosquito vectors in the arid region S.K. Bansal, Karam V. Singh and Suresh Kumar India ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Phytotoxic effects of chromium and tannery effluent on growth and metabolism of Phaseolus mungo Roxb. Kamlesh Nath, Dharam Singh, Shilpa Shyam and Y.K. Sharma India ABSTRACT PAPER
13 Temporal-scale spectral variability analysis of water quality parameters to realize seasonal behaviour of a tropical river system - River cauvery, India K.L. Prakash, K. Raghavendra and R.K. Somashekar India ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Short term diurnal and temporal measurement of methane emission in relation to organic carbon, phosphate and sulphate content of two rice fields of central Gujarat, India J.I. Nirmal Kumar and Shailendra Viyol India ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Distribution and abundance of fish populations in Harike wetland-A Ramsar site in India Anish Dua and Chander Parkash India ABSTRACT PAPER
16 Levels of plasma sodium and potassium as well as alterations in adrenal cortex of Rattus norvegicus in response to sublethal heroin administration S.R. Barai, S.A. Suryawanshi and A.K. Pandey. India ABSTRACT PAPER
17 Titamium oxide (TiO2) assisted photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue G.M. Madhu, M.A. Lourdu Antony Raj and K. Vasantha Kumar Pai India ABSTRACT PAPER
18 Lambda cyhalothrin induced alterations in Clarias batrachus R. Saravanan, K. Revathi and P. Balakrishna Murthy India ABSTRACT PAPER
19 Impact of environmental changes on the reproductive biology in Pyrostegia venusta Presl Sweety Singh, Anita Rana and S.V.S. Chauhan India ABSTRACT PAPER
20 Effect of vermicompost on soil fertility and crop productivity - beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) S. Manivannan, M. Balamurugan, K. Parthasarathi, G. Gunasekaran and L.S. Ranganathan India ABSTRACT PAPER
21 Diversity and community structure of aquatic insects in a pond in Midnapore town, West Bengal, India Sarmistha Jana, Priti R. Pahari, Tapan Kr. Dutta and Tanmay Bhattacharya India ABSTRACT PAPER
22 Cadmium induced changes on proline, antioxidant enzymes, nitrate and nitrite reductases in Arachis hypogaea L. N. Dinakar, P.C. Nagajyothi, S. Suresh, T. Damodharam and C. Suresh India ABSTRACT PAPER
23 Air pollution induced changes in the photosynthetic pigments of selected plant species P.C. Joshi and Abhishek Swami India ABSTRACT PAPER
24 Proline accumulation in lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus Stapf.) due to heavy metal stress G.K. Handique and A.K. Handique India ABSTRACT PAPER
25 Studies on histopathological changes in the gill, liver and kidney of Channa punctatus (Bloch) exposed to Alachlor M.S. Butchiram, K.S. Tilak and P.W. Raju India ABSTRACT PAPER
26 Bio-control potential of Cladosporium sp. (MCPL - 461), against a noxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Anuj Kumar, V.C. Verma, S.K. Gond, V. Kumar and R.N. Kharwar India ABSTRACT PAPER
27 Nutrient cycling in a simulated pond ecosystem B. Mukherjee, D. Mukherjee and M. Nivedita India ABSTRACT PAPER