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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2008 May ( Volume# 29 Number# 3 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of May 2008.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 Epipelagic mesozooplankton succession and community structure over a marine outfall area in the northeastern South China Sea Li Chun Tseng, Ram Kumar, Hans Uwe Dahms, Chun Te Chen, Qing Chao Chen and Jiang Shiou Hwang Taiwan ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Arsenic accumulation in root and shoot vis-a-vis its effects on growth and level of phytochelatins in seedlings of Cicer arietinum L. D.K. Gupta, R.D. Tripathi, S. Mishra, S. Srivastava, S. Dwivedi, U.N. Rai, X.E. Yang, H. Huanj and M. Inouhe India ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Effect of salinity on the predatory performance of Diplonychus rusticus (Fabricius) G. Chandramohan, S. Arivoli and P. Venkatesan India ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Tree species diversity and its relationship to stand parameters and geomorphology features in the eastern Black sea region forests of turkey Ramazan Ozcelik, Altay Ugur Gul, Jan Merganic and Katarina Merganicova Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Changes in nutritive value of fish, Channa punctatus after chronic exposure to zinc Rama Srivastava and Neera Srivastava India ABSTRACT PAPER
6 Impact of domestic sewage on fresh water body N. Shiddamallayya and M. Pratima India ABSTRACT PAPER
7 Anaerobic degradation kinetics of reactive dye with different carbon sources Sunantha Laowansiri, Soydoa Vinitnantharat, Pawinee Chaiprasert and Sung Ryong Ha Thailand ABSTRACT PAPER
8 Bacterial assessment of ground water : A case study of nanded city M.P. Chitanand, G. Gyananath and H.S. Lade India ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Effects of some pretreatments on germination of bladder-senna (Colutea armena Boiss. and Huet.) and smoke-tree (Cotinus coggygria Scop.) seeds Zafer Olmez, Zeki Yahyaoglu, Fatih Temel and Askin Gokturk Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Histopathological alterations of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in acute and subchronic alachlor exposure Piyanut Peebua, Maleeya Kruatrachue, Prayad Pokethitiyook and Sombat Singhakaew Thailand ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Microbial biomass at land water interface and its role in regulating ecosystem properties of a fresh water dry tropical woodland lake J. Pandey India ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Effect of photoperiod on the adrenal activities of male rose ringed parakeet, Psittacala krameri Ashok Kumar, Bipin Kumar and M.P. Arora India ABSTRACT PAPER
13 Benthic invertebrates structure in wetlands of a tributary of the middle Parana River (Argentina) affected by hydrologic and anthropogenic disturbances Mercedes R. Marchese, Alba R. Rodriguez, Paola J. Pave and Maria R. Carignano Argentina ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Influence of growth on reproductive traits and its effect on fertility and gene diversity in a clonal seed orchard of scots pine, Pinus Sylvestris L. I. Dutkuner, N. Bilir and M.D. Ulusan Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Study of zooplankton emergence pattern and resting egg diversity of recently dried waterbodies in North Maharashtra Region S.R. Gaikwad, K.N. Ingle and S.R. Thorat India ABSTRACT PAPER
16 Selection of woody species for wastewater enhancement and restoration of riparian woodlands M. Adrover, A.L. Forss, G. Ramon, J. Vadell, G. Moya and A. Martinez Taberner Spain ABSTRACT PAPER
17 Impacts of land use conversion on soil properties and soil erodibility Selma Yasar Korkanc, Necdet Ozyuvaci and Ahmet Hizal Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
18 Effect of water stress on carbon isotope discrimination and its relationship with transpiration efficiency and specific leaf area in Cenchrus species Archana Dubey and Amaresh Chandra India ABSTRACT PAPER
19 Effect of ambient air sulphur dioxide on sulphate accumulation in plants A.K. Dwivedi, B.D. Tripathi and Shashi India ABSTRACT PAPER
20 Study of bio-physico-chemical parameters of Mothronwala swamp, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) Nutan Gupta, Ramesh C. Sharma and A.K. Tripathi India ABSTRACT PAPER
21 Occurrence and seasonal variation of bacterial indicators of faecal pollution along Thoothukudi coast, Tamil Nadu G. Sugumar, B. Chrisolite, P. Velayutham, A. Selvan and U. Ramesh India ABSTRACT PAPER
22 Studies on nest construction and nest microclimate of the Baya weaver, Ploceus philippinus (Linn.) S. Asokan, A. Mohamed Samsoor Ali and R. Nagarajan India ABSTRACT PAPER
23 Diurnal photosynthesis, water use efficiency and light use efficiency of wheat under Mediterranean field conditions Fatih Evrendilek, Jiftah Ben Asher and Mehmet Aydin Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
24 Influence of culture media and environmental factors on mycelial growth and sporulation of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon and Maubl A. Saha, P. Mandal, S. Dasgupta and D. Saha India ABSTRACT PAPER
25 The bird species of Kumasir lake (Kahramanmaras-Turkey) and a view of environmental ethics on sustainable wetland management S. Inac, O. Gorucu and A.H. Pinar Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
26 Ostracods as indicators of pollution in the lakes of Mysore B. Padmanabha and S.L. Belagali India ABSTRACT PAPER