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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Issue : 2007 Jan ( Volume# 28 Number# 1 )

The Journal publishes six issues in a year. This issue is of Jan 2007.

The following is the list of contents of the issue. The abstract and the full text of each paper can be seen by clicking on the links below.

S.No. Paper Name and Details Author(s) Country Abstract Full Paper
1 Overview of temporary ponds in the Mediterranean region : Threats, management and conservation issues Ierotheos Zacharias , Elias Dimitriou, Angela Dekker and Edith Dorsman Greece ABSTRACT PAPER
2 Screening of wheat varieties and associated bacterial population in old alluvial soil of Burdwan, West Bengal J.K. Datta, S. Chakraborty, S.Gupta, R.N. Saha and N. Mondal India ABSTRACT PAPER
3 Antagonistic potential of fluorescent pseudomonads and control of charcoal rot of Chickpea caused by Macrophomina phaseolina Vinod Kumar, Anuj Kumar and R. N. Kharwar India ABSTRACT PAPER
4 Post natal antioxidant enzyme activity of rat brain regions during developmental lead exposure M. Sarath Babu, N. Venu Gopal and K. Pratap Reddy India ABSTRACT PAPER
5 Nutrient characteristics and sediment texture of the seagrass beds of the Gulf of Mannar T. Thangaradjou and L. Kannan India ABSTRACT PAPER
6 Histopathological changes in liver of Heteropneustes fossilis exposed to cypermethrin Namita Joshi, Dharmlata and A.P. Sahu India ABSTRACT PAPER
7 Influence of five organic antifouling candidates on spore attachment and germination of a fouling alga Ulva pertusa M. Sidharthan and H.W. Shin Korea ABSTRACT PAPER
8 Effects of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate on hemoglobin content and oxygen consumption of freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus) K.S. Tilak, K. Veeraiah and J. Milton Prema Raju India ABSTRACT PAPER
9 Heavy metal accumulation in lichens growing in north side of Lucknow city, India Shalini Saxena, D. K. Upreti and Neeta Sharma India ABSTRACT PAPER
10 Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in relation to petroleum hydrocarbon content along the coast of Kollam (Quilon), south west coast of India B.S. Sharma and Wilma Cyril India ABSTRACT PAPER
11 Phytotoxicity of volatile oil from Eucalyptus citriodora against some weedy species N. Setia, D. R. Batish, H.P. Singh and R. K. Kohli India ABSTRACT PAPER
12 Estimation of stream temperature in Firtina Creek (Rize-Turkiye) using artificial neural network model Nuket Sivri, Niyazi Kilic and Osman N. Ucan Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
13 A dendroecological study on Pinus nigra Arn. at different altitudes of northern slopes of Kazdaglari, Turkey Orhan Sevgi and Unal Akkemik Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
14 Sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent in pilot scale bioreactor Pratibha Singh India ABSTRACT PAPER
15 Genetic diversity in some perennial plant species within short distances S.C. Pandeya, A. Chandra and P.S. Pathak India ABSTRACT PAPER
16 Diversity of microflora in the gut and casts of tropical composting earthworms reared on different substrates K. Parthasarathi, L.S. Ranganathan, V.Anandi and Josef Zeyer India ABSTRACT PAPER
17 Effects of different pretreatments on germination of Prunus serotina seed sources Derya Esen, Oktay Yildiz, Murat Sarginci and Kani Isik Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
18 A comparative study on the physicochemical and bacterial analysis of drinking, borewell and sewage water in the three different places of Sivakasi R. Radha Krishnan, K. Dharmaraj and B.D. Ranjitha Kumari India ABSTRACT PAPER
19 Effect of heavy metals (Hg and Zn) on the growth and phosphate solubilising activity in halophilic phosphobacteria isolated from Manakudi mangrove S.Ravikumar, G.Prakash Williams, S. Shanthy, N. Anitha Anantha Gracelin, S. Babu and P.S. Parimala India ABSTRACT PAPER
20 Modulating effect of Phyllanthus fruit extract against lead genotoxicity in germ cells of mice D. Madhavi, K. Rudrama Devi, K. Kesava Rao and P. P. Reddy India ABSTRACT PAPER
21 Toxicity of neem pesticides on a fresh water loach, Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton Buchanan) of Darjeeling district in West Bengal Debashri Mondal, Sudip Barat and M. K. Mukhopadhyay India ABSTRACT PAPER
22 Mutagenicity assessment of textile dyes from Sanganer (Rajasthan) Nupur Mathur and Pradeep Bhatnagar India ABSTRACT PAPER
23 Biochemical parameters of plants as indicators of air pollution A. K. Tripathi and Mukesh Gautam India ABSTRACT PAPER
24 Seed germination of three provenances of Pinus brutia (Ten.) as influenced by stratification, temperature and water stress Fahrettin Tilki and Huseyin Dirik Turkey ABSTRACT PAPER
25 Tissue cholesterol and serum cortisol level during different reproductive phases of the female freshwater fish Notopterus notopterus (Pallas) D.S. Shankar and R.S. Kulkarni India ABSTRACT PAPER
26 Oxygen uptake in relation to group size in the juveniles of a climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch) D. N. Pandit and T. K. Ghosh India ABSTRACT PAPER
27 Antimicrobial activity of methanol extract of Origanum majorana L. (Sweet marjoram) L. Leeja and J. E. Thoppil India ABSTRACT PAPER
28 Changes of hematological parameters in Prochilodus lineatus (Pisces, Prochilodontidae) exposed to sublethal concentration of cypermethrin M.J. Parma, A. Loteste, M. Campana and C. Bacchetta Argentina ABSTRACT PAPER
29 Microbial pathogens of public health significance in waste dumps and common sites A.C. Achudume and J.T. Olawale Nigeria ABSTRACT PAPER
30 (Short Communication)
Limnological investigations of Texi Temple pond in district Etawah (U.P.)
Raj Narayan, K.K. Saxena and Shalini Chauhan India ABSTRACT PAPER