Generation Mean Analysis for quantitative traits in the
population of AKDRMS 21-54 x YH3 cross of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Duppala1, T. Srinivas2*, Y. Suneetha2 and G. Suresh1
1Department of
Genetics and Plant Breeding, Acharya N G. Ranga Agricultural University,
Agricultural College, Bapatla-522 101, India
Agricultural Research Station, Acharya NG. Ranga Agricultural University,
Maruteru-53 122, India
Author Email : *ORCiD:
To study the genetic components of inheritance for 12 quantitative traits
which leads into genetic improvement by identification of gene actions for
yield and yield related traits.
Methodology: Twelve quantitative traits for yield and yield
attributing traits were studied at Agricultural College, Bapatla during Rabi
2021-22 deploying Hayman's five parameter model generation mean analysis in
estimating the gene effects in the population (P1, P2,
F1, F2 and F3) generated from the cross
AKDRMS 21-54 x YH3. Estimated mean effects affirm the existence of
significant variation in the traits studied. Significance of either one or
both, scales C or D inferred the existence of epistatic interaction for the
traits studied. Digenic non-allelic interaction model explained the gene
action of the traits studied in the present investigation.
The generation mean for all the traits showed the importance of both additive
and dominance type of gene effects. Among the epistatic gene effects, the
additive x additive gene interaction was reported predominant for shoot length,
plant height, flag leaf length, spikelet fertility and flag test weight. The
gene interaction is associated with homozygosity, therefore, pedigree method
of breeding may be adopted for isolation of desirable lines, while for all
other traits, along with grain yield per plant, dominance x dominance gene
interaction was found to be pre-dominant. The gene interaction is not
fixable, hence, population improvement approaches, would be effective.
Interpretation: Dominance x
dominance gene interaction was predominant for grain yield per plant and
majority of yield component traits studied coupled with duplicate epistasis,
infers to takeup population improvement approaches, such as bi-parental
mating and recurrent selection, followed by isolation of purelines in later
generations for competent improvement.
Key words: Epistasis, Five parameter model, Generation Mean
Analysis, Quantitative traits, Rice