between physiological and yield attributes in bread wheat genotypes for high
temperature tolerance
Goyal, R. Munjal, B. Rani, P. Swami and A. Kumari*
Department of Botany and Plant
Physiology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125
004, India
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The aim of the present study was to observe the role of heat stress in the
correlation of physiological and yield attributes in bread wheat genotypes.
Methodology: Seven wheat genotypes (PBW781, RWP-2018-30, PBW821,
RWP-2018-31, WH1239, RWP-2018-26, and RWP-2018-32) along with three check
varities namely DBW14, WH730, and RAJ3765 were grown under timely sown (TS)
and late sown (LS) conditions in the field research area of Wheat Section,
CCS HAU, Hisar (2018-19). For generating heat stress, delay in sowing (4
weeks) was done in late sown from timely sown. These wheat lines were
assessed for several physiological and yield attributes under both conditions
and one genotype was found to be heat-tolerant under late sown condition.
PBW821 was classified as thermo-tolerant due to maximum grain yield, higher
normalized difference vegetation index, photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll
content, and lower canopy temperature compared to other varieties under late
sown conditions.
Interpretation: Identification of
a heat-resistant wheat genotype would be a valuable resource for developing
high-yielding cultivars under high-temperature conditions, and these findings
might also be used in breeding programs.
Key words: Grain yield, Heat tolerance, Physiological traits, Triticum
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