To compare the outcomes of various agro-industrial wastes on the growth,
yield and nutritional contents of two major cultivated oyster mushrooms, Pleurotus
ostreatus and Pleurotus djamor.
Methodology: Locally available agro-industrial wastes were
utilized as substrate in five formulations including rice straw alone and in
combination with card board (7: 3), waste paper (7: 3), rice husk (17:3) and
jack fruit saw dust (7:3). After sterilization substrates were inoculated
with mature spawn and placed in cropping room.
Total yield, biological efficiency and nutritional contents were found better
in the fruiting bodies of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus djamor
cultivated on rice straw as the sole substrate than the mixed substrate
formulations. Total colonization period (22.6 days for P. ostreatus
and 20.2 days for P. djamor) was quite less for both the oyster
mushroom cultivated in rice husk mixed substrate among mixed substrate
formulations. Among mixed substrate formulations, highest total yield was
obtained from waste paper mixed substrate for Pleurotus ostreatus
(713.8 g) and card board mixed substrate for Pleurotus djamor (737.7
g). The highest carbohydrate content in Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus
djamor were found in card board mixed substrate. Total protein content
was high in fruiting bodies cultivated on saw dust mixed substrate for both
the oyster mushrooms.
Interpretation: Card board, waste
paper, rice husk and saw dust mixed substrates showed relatively high
fruiting body yield and nutritional values. It can be concluded that these
agro-industrial waste appears to be the promising ingredients in combination
with rice straw for cultivation of oyster mushroom.
Key words: Agro-Industrial waste, Nutrition, Oyster mushrooms, Pleurotus,
Rice straw