To study the enhancement of solasodine content using elicitors such as NaCl,
pectin, salicylic acid and yeast extract in cell suspension cultures of Solanum
incanum, Solanum nigrum, Solanum surattense and Solanum
Methodology: In-vitro callus induction from leaf explants
was carried out on MS media supplemented with auxin, 2, 4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2.0 mg l-1). MS liquid medium supplemented with 2, 4-D (2.0
mg l-1) and varied concentrations of different elicitors were used
for cell suspension culture.
The elicitor NaCl (150 mM) indicated maximum increment in solasodine production
in three Solanum species studied. Salicylic acid with 75 μM resulted in
considerable elevation in solasodine content in Solanum spp. Response
to elicitation by pectin was high at different concentrations for different
species of Solanum. Biotic elicitor yeast extract at 3.0 g l-1
concentration considerably increased solasodine production in S. nigrum and
S. villosum. Solanum villosum exhibited best results in terms
of solasodine concentration enhancement in response to pectin and yeast
extract elicitors whereas Solanum incanum responded best to pectin
followed by NaCl.
Interpretation: The current
results indicated that NaCl, pectin, salicylic acid and yeast extract can be
effectively applied as influential elicitors for the enhancing the production
of solasodine in cell suspension culture of different Solanum species.
Key words: Callus, Cell
suspension culture, Elicitors, Solanum, Solasodine, Steroidal