The present study aimed at reporting the occurrence of various ear head
caterpillar species on different ear head shape and stage of the panicle in
Kenyan finger millet genotypes.
Methodology: A set of 40 Kenyan finger millet genotypes were
selected to investigate the occurrence and abundance of ear head caterpillars
species complex on different growth stages of ear head.
Among the fifteen ear head caterpillars species recorded on forty Kenyan
genotypes, Cryptoblabes angustipennella (Hampson) (3.96 larvae/ear
head) caused high level of incidence, followed by Somena scintillans
(Walker) which recorded 2.08 larvae/ear head and the population of Helicoverpa
armigera (Hubner) & Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) was
0.61 and 0.56 larvae/ear head, respectively. Further, genotypes with open ear
head shape were free from infestation by ear head caterpillars, which were
categorized as highly resistance. The semi-compact (1.82 - 2.07 larvae/ear
head) ear heads were categorized under moderately resistance scale.
Similarly, compact (2.70 - 2.90 larvae/ear head) shape ear heads fell under
susceptible category. Whereas, Fist shape (3.74 to 4.68 larvae/ear head) ear
heads were recorded under highly susceptible category.
Interpretation: The data on
occurrence, species complex and severity can be used for formulating
integrated pest management strategies on finger millet.
Key words: Cryptoblabes
angustipennella, Ear head caterpillars, Finger millet, Kenyan genotypes, Somena
scintillans, Species complex