of exposure modulates
effects of arsenic and fluoride
oxidative stress in the liver of rat
Y. Verma and S.V.S. Rana*
of Toxicology, Ch Charan Singh University, Meerut-250 004, India
Author Email : sureshvs_rana@yahoo.com
Exposure time dependent combined effects of arsenic (sodium arsenate) and
fluoride (sodium fluoride), two major ground water pollutants, have been
studied on oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanisms in the liver of female
Wistar rats.
Methodology: Healthy rats were treated with sodium arsenate (4mg
kg-1 b.wt.) and sodium fluoride (4mg kg-1 b.wt.) for three-time
intervals, i.e., 30, 60 and 90 days through gavage. Liver tissues of exposed
rats were analysed for malonaldehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),
nitric oxide (NO), reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG),
glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT).
Combined exposure of rats to arsenic and fluoride for selected period of
exposure viz. 30, 60 and 90 days yielded different results on parameters of
oxidative stress in liver. The highest values for malondialdehyde (0.610
nmoles mg-1 protein), hydrogen peroxide (2.31µ moles) and nitric
oxide (2.57µ moles) were recorded after 60 days of exposure. Maximum decline
in GSH (0.154µ mol g-1 liver) after 30 days of exposure, in GSSG
(110µ mol g-1 liver) after 90 days of exposure, GPx (1.03 nmoles
NADPH min mg-1 protein) after 30 days of exposure and catalse
(74.96 units) after 30 days of exposure were registered. Results showed
resistance against oxidative stress after 90 days of combined exposure to
arsenic and fluoride.
Interpretation: It is hypothesized that internalization
of arsenic and fluoride in the hepatic parenchyma leads to the formation of a
compound, arsenic trifluoride (AsF3). It was found less toxic than arsenic
but more toxic than fluoride. Arsenic-protein interaction is also modulated
in the presence of fluoride in the hepatic parenchymal cell.
Key words: Antioxidant enzymes, Arsenic, Fluoride, Liver,
Oxidative stress, Rat
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