Identification of Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. sleeks) resistant
genotypes against important fruit borers, Meridarchis scyrodes and Dudua
aprobola for their sustainable management.
Methodology: Twenty-six genotypes of Syzygium cumini from
the gene bank were tested for resistance against fruit borers. Randomly
fruits were collected from three plants of each genotype and mean incidence
of fruit borers Meridarchis scyrodes and Dudua aprobola was recorded along
with biophysical structures. The collected fruits were also analyzed for
antixenotics and allelochemical biomolecules.
On the basis of resistance scale, 5 genotypes were resistant, 11 were
moderately resistant; 7 were susceptible and 2 were highly susceptible to
fruit borers (M. scyrodes and D. aprobola) infestation. The
infestation in different genotypes was negatively correlated with phenols,
flavonoides, tannins and alkaloids, while it was positively correlated with
fruit length, fruit width, pulp thickness and pulp: stone ratio. The phenolic
and tannin content explained 93.30% of genotypic variability against M.
scyrodes infestation while the genotypic variability explained 81% due to
phenolic content followed by tannin content 10.4 % against D. aprobola
Interpretation: The jamun genotypes (GJ-27 & GJ-17)
comes out as resistant against fruit bores with minimal infestation that can
be used as breeding material for development of high yielding and borer
resistant jamun varieties with higher antioxidant activity. We can use the
jamun genotypes that resistant to fruit borers with minimal investment to get
high yield under good agricultural practices. Therefore, resistance to fruit
borers jamun genotypes can be used as part of sustainable management or
integrated pest management.
Key words: Endogenous effect, Environment conservation, Fruit
bores, HPR, Plant-insect interactions, Jamun