and biochemical implications of UV-B priming in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare
Mishra*, G. Kumar and K. Tripathi
Plant Genetics
Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211 002,
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The aim of this study was to create variability on the morphogenetic make-
up, and biochemical attributes of fennel plant which incurred as a result of
different exposure of UV-B radiation.
Methodology: Seedlings of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. were
treated with four different exposure times viz. Set A for Control, Set B for
20 min, Set C for 40 min, Set D for 60 min and Set E for 80 min,
respectively. UV-B exposure seedlings with respect to control were
transplanted to their respective pots and fields. Three replicates were
prepared for each treatment. During the course of growth and development, few
morphological, biochemical, and cytological parameters were estimated.
The results clearly elucidate that the higher exposure to UV-B radiation
substantially affected the growth parameters whereas UV-B radiation (40 min)
induced certain beneficial traits viz., increased plant height, intermodal
length, etc. Various types of chromosomal aberrations such as stickiness,
scattering, precocious, laggard, etc., were also observed. Scattering was the
main chromosomal abnormality encountered at longer durations (60-80 min) to
UV-B exposure. It was also observed that withincrease in the duration of
UV-B exposure (20-80 min), there was a decrease in chlorophyll a (0.98 to
0.82) and chlorophyll b (0.68), and increase in carotenoids (at lower
duration of UV-B radiation) was also observed. A maximum increment in
carotenoid content was recorded in 40 min treated sets.
Interpretation: The present research would be helpful in
selecting doses which impart characters of interest in Foeniculum vulgare
Mill. The cytological alterations caused by UV-B radiation changes the
genetic makeup of fennel, which can be inherited to the subsequent generation
to create agronomical superior mutants which will be promising materials for
plant breeders in near future.
Key words: Chlorophyll variants, Chromosomal abnormality, Foeniculum
vulgare, UV-B radiation
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