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Abstract - Issue Nov 2021, 42 (6) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
Recent trends and
impacts of climate change in North-Eastern region of India-A review
A. Roy1*,
D. Kolady2, B. Paudel2, A. Yumnam1, N.
Mridha3, D. Chakraborty4 and N.U. Singh1
1Division of Social
Sciences, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam-793 103, India
2Ness School of
Management and Economics, South Dakota State University, Brookings-57006, SD,
3Quality Evaluation
and Improvement Division, ICAR-NINFET, Regent Park, Kolkata-700 040, India
4Division of Agril.
Engineering, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam-793 103, India
*Corresponding Author Email :
25.09.2020 Revised:
21.06.2021 Accepted:
economy of North-Eastern (NE) region of India predominantly depends on
farming, where only 12% of geographical area is available for cultivation out
of which more than 85% is rain fed. Climate change has become a major concern
in agriculture today, as farmers in many regions are struggling to cope with
changing temperatures and rainfall pattern. Moreover, extreme weather
situations like droughts, floods, heat and cold waves pose serious threat to
food security, especially for small and marginal farmers. This review paper
discusses the climate change in North-Eastern India based on the available
climatic data from various published sources.
of the analysis was performed on time series meteorological data recorded at
different locations across the states of North-Eastern India namely, Assam,
Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura.
increase in mean annual maximum temperature varied from 0.1°C per decade in
Imphal (Manipur) to about 1.4°C per decade in Jharnapani (Nagaland). The
changes were significant for all the states, except Sikkim. This region is
one of the highest rainfall receiving regions of the world, but during
February-March it faces water scarcity. The rainfall is projected to increase
in 57 districts out of 78 districts, with some districts expected to
experience almost 25% more rainfall than usual.
North-Eastern region of India has experienced notable changes in the pattern
of major climatic variables such as rainfall and temperature. Average
temperatures are projected to increase in almost all the districts of the
region while annual rainfall is also reported to increase in almost 3/4th of
the districts. The climate-induced natural disasters like drought, flood and
hailstorms are the major threats of climate change and the incidence of these
natural disasters are increasing in the recent years over the region.
Agriculture, Climate Change, Impact, North-Eastern India, Trend
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