The present study was undertaken to assess the food resources and butterfly
diversity in Botanical Garden, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Methodology: The survey was conducted in targeted locality from
September 2015 – October 2019 and butterflies sightings were recorded using a
digital camera (Nikon D7200 with kit lens 18-105 mm, Tamron 200-300 apo dg
macro lens).
Total 95 species of butterflies were recorded in the garden. Among all
families, the highest count was observed in Nymphalidae family followed by
Lycaenidae (29 species), Pieridae (15 species), Hesperiidae (10 species) and
Papilionidae (11 species). The relative diversity of Nymphalidae (31.57 %)
and Lycaenidae (30.52 %) were higher. For Pieridae, RD value accounted for
15.78 % and 11.57 % for Papilionidae. RD value was least for Hesperiidae
family (10.52 %). Out of 95 butterflies, the host plants of 88 butterflies
were present in the garden itself. Fifteen nectar plants belonging to eleven
families were most preferred nectar sources.
Interpretation: The present study gives information of
butterfly and its food plant diversity in the garden. The obtained
information will help in planting additional host and nectar plant resources
to attract rare species. It also sheds light on the importance of survival of
prominent nectar plants throughout the year for maintaining the butterfly
abundance in garden.
Key words: Butterfly, Conservation, Diversity, Host plants