A study was conducted in the Eastern block of Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore to estimate the carbon footprint from various sources
comprising of transport, human population, diesel generator and electricity
Methodology: The data were collected based on the questionnaire
developed. Empirical equations were used for computation and data were
statistically analysed.
Carbon footprint analysis in the selected buildings revealed that, the
equivalent carbon emission from power, diesel generators, human population
and transport were 291, 14.17, 78.72 and 36.43 tonnes per year, respectively.
It was inferred that emission from power use was greater in comparison with
emission from transport, human population and dieselgenerators.
Interpretation: For a diversified source of emission in
a university, reduction in anthropogenic emissions can be achieved by
increasing the capacity of carbon sinks, i.e., through carbon sequestration
and switching to low-carbon energy sources.
Key words: Climate change, Carbon footprint, Carbon sink,
Low-carbon energy sources