To investigate the effect of probiotic supplement feed on the foraging
behaviour Indian honeybee colonies to resolve the excessive usage of
Methodology: The effect of sugar syrup feed (Untreated hives) and
sugar syrup + probiotic supplement feed @ 10 ml 100 ml-1 syrup
(Treated hives) on Indian honeybees was tested. The foraging activity and
foraging rate were recorded and subjected to paired t- test analysis.
The present observation showed a significant difference in the foraging rate
between the colonies fed with sugar syrup + probiotic supplement (2.33 ± 0.11
min-1) than the colonies that received sugar syrup alone (1.35 ±
0.06 min-1). The highest foraging rate (2.80 ± 0.39 min-1)
was recorded in treated hives.
Interpretation: The experiment revealed that the brood
development was directly proportional to brood pheromone levels, which
positively affects the foragers, consequently foraging rate and honey production.
Thus, the probiotic supplement feeding may influence the foraging behaviour
of honeybee colonies.
Foraging rate, Honey, Indian honeybees, Probiotic supplement