The present study aimed to develop enzymatic clarified sapota (Achras
sapota L.) juice beverage under optimized conditions for future scale up.
Methodology: In this study, the ripened sapota fruits PKM 1
variety were ground to pulp and pulp was mixed with 0.05-0.15% pectinase
enzyme and incubated at 35oC-45oC for 30-120 min. After incubation
period the enzyme was deactivated by placing the pulp in warm water bath at
90oC for 3 min. Optimal enzymatic clarified juice was produced by
pectinase enzyme by response surface methodology.
The absorbance values decreased with increasing incubation time at fixed
temperature. Incubation time showed a significant and p<0.05 negative
effect on L* value at linear terms. At fixed temperature, the L* value
increased with increasing enzyme concentration. Significant regression models
proved that the changes in clarity, juice yield and colour (L*values) when
compared to the independent variables demonstrated, coefficient of determination,
R2 greater than 0.8.
Interpretation: Optimization conditions like minimum
clarity, maximum juice yield and maximum color (L* value) can be applied in
the production of sapota juice for commercial use.
Key words: Achras sapota, Clarified juice, Pectinase
enzyme, Response surface methodology