Boron removal from
aqueous solution using coagulation- flocculation with curcumin : A response
surface methodology
A.A. Halim1*,
M.M. Hanafiah1,2, M. Asmi1 and Z. Daud3
1Department of
Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
2Centre for
Tropical Climate Change System, Institute of Climate Change, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
3Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit
Raja, 86400, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author Email :
Application of response surface methodology (RSM) to determine optimum
parameters in the coagulation-flocculation process aided by curcumin for
boron removal from aqueous solution was investigated.
Methodology: Different parameters such as pH, coagulant dosage,
and curcumin dosage that effect boron removal were tested. Application of
central composite design in RSM was used to design the coagulation-flocculation
The results showed 75% of boron removal, while the optimum parameters for
boron removal were observed at pH 2.8, 132.05 ppm poly aluminum chloride dose
and 1161.4 ppm curcumin dose, respectively.
Interpretation: Quadratic regression showed that the
model was significant and lack of fit P value was 0.107 (p > 0.05),
implying a significant model correlation between the variables and responses.
The experimental data and predicted model proved that RSM is an appropriate
approach for optimising the coagulation–flocculation process in removing
boron from aqueous solution.
Boron, Coagulation, Curcumin, Flocculation, Response surface
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