composition and biodiversity indexes of weeds in paddy rice on two sides of
dike system during three crops in an Giang Province, Vietnam
M.D. Quan1*,
T.T. Hang2 and S.T. Nam3
1Department of
Biology, School of Education, Can Tho University, Can Tho, 900000, Vietnam
2Le Hoai Don High
School, Ben Tre 930000, Vietnam
3College of
Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University, Can Tho, 900000,
*Corresponding Author Email : dmquan@ctu.edu.vn
This study was conducted to provide data on weed species composition and
biodiversity indexes at different rice crops inside and outside of the dike
system in An Giang province, Vietnam.
Methodology: Weeds were collected from paddy rice of inner and
outer side of dike system from six districts of An Giang province, Vietnam.
From each sampling sites, two quadrats with 100 m2 (10 m × 10 m)
per quadrat were selected to collect weed after 75-80 days of rice planting.
Weeds were collected and identified for their scientific name, and the number
of each species was defined, followed by calculation of the occurrence
frequency and density of samples. Biodiversity indices viz. Shannon-Weaver
(H’), Simpson (1- λ), Margalef (d), and similarity index were also studied
among three crops and two sides of dike system.
The weed composition in the paddy rice in An Giang was diversity with 137
species. Among them, the most species belonged to families Poaceae,
Cyperaceae, and Compositae. The species composition of Crop 3 was the highest
one. Species occurrence frequency and weed density of groups C, D, E reached
the highest value in Crop 1, followed by Crop 2 and 3. The biodiversity
indices of weed species composition in the studied sites were high, reaching
the highest value in Crop 3.
Interpretation: The results of this study enhance the
knowledge of weed species composition and biodiversity indexes to effectively
manage and control weeds in rice cultivation.
Biodiversity index, Dike system, Paddy rice, Weeds
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