To investigate soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and distribution pattern
under paddy and forest land use along with the effect of various edaphic and
environmental factors on it.
Methodology: Soil samples from 12 different profiles were
collected from different agriculture and forest lands across the district.
Soil samples were collected at three different depth ranges 0?30, 30?60, and
60?100 cm from both agriculture and forest land. Soil samples were processed
and analysed for different soil parameters in laboratory.?
Soil organic carbon density (SOCD) was found to be higher under forest at all
depth range compared to agricultural land. But soil organic carbon storage
was higher under agricultural land (1.34 tC at 0-100 cm depth) compared to
forest (0.44 tC at 0-100 cm depth) land. Geostatistical method was used to
estimate the total SOC storage and density (SOCD) of which density was found
to be high under forest (1.21 kg m-2) but carbon stock was high
for paddy field (1.34 t C). Zero order correlation and path analysis revealed
significant effect of soil texture on SOCD over environmental factors in this
Interpretation: Information from this study can be also
useful for identification of critical and potential regions in terms of
carbon storage which may need immediate attention. This information will also
be helpful for the policy makers in management and monitoring of natural
resources and can act as an input for further research.
Carbon storage, Forest soil, Paddy, Soil organic carbon