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    Abstract - Issue Sep 2020, 41 (5)                                     Back

nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene

Destructive dose determination of electron beam irradiation for pathogenic bacteria in water medium by 96 well plate assay 


S. Visnuvinayagam1*, L.N. Murthy2, U. Parvathy4, A. Jeyakumari3, K.P. Rawat5, S.A. Khadar5 and K.S.S. Sarma6 

1Microbiology Fermentation and Biotechnology Division, ICAR- CIFT, Cochin-682 029, India

2Mumbai Research Centre of ICAR-CIFT, Vashi,? Mumbai-400 703, India

3Fish Processing Division, Mumbai Research Centre of ICAR-CIFT, Mumbai-400 703, India

4Fish Processing Division, ICAR- CIFT, Cochin-682 029, India

5EBPS, IRAD, BARC, BRIT-BARC Complex, Mumbai-400 703, India

6Isotope and Radiation Applications Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400 085, India

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Paper received: 23.08.2019 ?????? ???????????????????????????????????????Revised received: 24.03.2020 ???????????? ?????????????????????????????????????Accepted: 01.04.2020



Aim: Determination of suitable dosage for eradication of different pathogenic bacteria in water will be useful for further detailed research in this regard.

Methodology: In the current investigation, known concentration of different actively growing bacterial culture were inoculated in 96-well-plate and exposed to 1, 2 and 3 kGy Electron Beam (EB) irradiation to understand the suitable destructive dosage.

Results: 1 kGy EB irradiation completely destroyed more than 2 ? 107 number of E. coli, approximately 2 ? 106 number of MRSA, 5 ? 105 number of Salmonella, V. cholerae and S. aureus and 1 ? 104 number of P. aeruginosa, respectively.? Based on the study, the hierarchy of susceptible bacteria was as follows: E. coli < MRSA < V. cholerae < S. aureus < Salmonella < P. aeruginosa < B. cereus < L. monocytogenes.      

Interpretation: The dose required for elimination of pathogens in 96 well plate was always lesser than that required for pathogens in the meat. 96-well-plate method is a simple and rapid method to assess different bacteria with different concentration in a single time and, hence, is useful and rapid technique to to determine the destructive irradiation dose for various bacteria and chemical pollutants in the substrate.       

Key words: electron beam, Irradiation, MRSA, Pathogens, 96-well-plate



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