Arsenic concentration in groundwater above the acceptable level is of global
concern due to its serious human health effects. Application of certain
fungi, due to their amazing skill to remove arsenic from arsenic contaminated
water has received attention in recent years. The main aim of this study was
to isolate arsenic tolerant fungi from arsenic-contaminated groundwater and
assess their ability for arsenic removal from the aquatic system in-vitro.
Methodology: Fungi were isolated from arsenic-contaminated
groundwater (44.9?161.1 mg l-1). An experiment on bioremediation/
removal of arsenic by selected highly arsenic tolerant fungi was conducted by
culturing them in arsenic supplemented medium and measuring the arsenic
contents in initial and after incubation with fungi using Hydride Generation
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (HG-AAS) to find out the arsenic removal
In all, ten out of forty-five fungi obtained from highly arsenic-contaminated
groundwater (44.9?161.1 mg l-1) were able to remove high arsenic
contents (>80%) from liquid medium with >85% arsenite (by 6 fungal
isolates) and >85% of arsenate (by 9 fungal isolates). In arsenic
tolerance assay, all 10 test fungi grew readily in liquid medium enriched
with either arsenate (10 and 20 g l-1) or arsenite (2 g l-1)
under laboratory conditions (27?2?C). These fungi showed log phase
between 5 to 10 days with stationary phase of 11-15 days. High arsenite
concentration (4 g l-1) however, completely inhibited the growth
of 50% of these fungal isolates. Five of these isolates showed high tolerance
index pattern (0.97- 0.91) as compared to others (0.22?0.13). These fungi
greatly altered the pH of arsenic supplemented liquid medium (10 mg l-1)
as compared to the control when they were individually cultured. These
arsenic tolerant fungal isolates may effectively be used for the
bioremediation of arsenic from groundwater.??????
Interpretation: The study suggested that 10 fungal
isolates were able to tolerate high arsenic concentrations (20 g l-1
of arsenate and 2 g l-1 of arsenite) and were able to enhance
arsenic removal (more than 80%) in liquid medium at neutral pH (7.0) and 27?C
Key words: Arsenic, Arsenic
removal, Groundwater fungi, Tolerance index