A. Ghosh, B.C.
Mohapatra,??????????????? P.P. Chakrabarti*, A. Hussan?? and A. Das
Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar ? 751 002, India
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Aim: The present study
was undertaken to find out the possibilities of induced breeding of Catla
catla, at low water temperature using fibre reinforced (FRP) tanks in a
carp hatchery.
Methodology: Brood fish of C.
catla was maintained in 0.1 ha pond with proper feeding and pond
management. Six induced breeding programmes: 3 in April (pre-monsoon) and 3
in June (monsoon) of 2017 were conducted with C. catla using synthetic
hormone, Ovasis intra-peritoneally. The relationship between temperature
variation and latency period, effective spawning period, fecundity, hatching
start time, hatching duration and spawn production with its recovery was
Results: The latency
period (time gap between injection and first egg release) was very high and
ranged between 653.3 and 721.6 min for breeding in the pre-monsoon and ranged
between 446.6 and 480 min for monsoon period. In pre-monsoon, the effective
spawning period between 86.6 and 116.6 min and in monsoon between 53.3 and
73.3 min; both varied significantly (p˂0.05). In pre-monsoon period, the average
water temperature during larval incubation in hatching pool ranged between 21.58
and 22.58?C, whereas during monsoon period it ranged between 30.1
and 30.4?C. The spawn production was 0.13 to 0.22; and 0.47 to
0.65 (lakh kg-1 b. wt. of female) in pre-monsoon and monsoon
period, respectively, and showed a significant difference (p˂0.05).
Interpretation: This report on
breeding of C. catla in the temperature range of 18.6-24.7oC
indicates the possibility of spawn production of Indian Major Carp in the
north east hilly region states of India
Key words: Catla catla, FRP
carp hatchery, Induced breeding, Low temperature, Latency period, Spawn