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Journal of Environmental Biology

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    Abstract - Issue Jul 2018, 39 (4)                                     Back

nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene

A novel laccase producing Brevundimonas sp. MVSP from paper

and pulp industry waste water


Palanisamy Poornima and Manickam Velan*

Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C. College of Technology, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail:




Key words

Brevundimonas sp. MVSP

Laccase activity

Paper and pulp




Publication Data

Paper received : 17.06.2017

Revised received : 15.12.2017

Accepted : 30.12.2017?? ???



Aim: The present study deals with the isolation, screening and characterization of laccase producing bacterial strain from paper and pulp industry waste water. A novel laccase producing bacterial strain Brevundimonas sp. MVSP was identified and the optimum conditions required for maximal laccase enzyme activity was determined. ???


Methodology: Serial dilution method was used for screening laccase producing strain. Out of 58 isolated microorganisms, seven positive strains were screened. Among the seven isolates, ?MVSP? showed highest enzyme activity towards laccase production. The isolated microorganism was characterized by biochemical tests and molecular analysis. The 16S rRNA sequence data were analysed and the results were compared with Genbank database. ?????


Results: Various operating parameters such as incubation time, pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources were optimized for intensification of laccase activity. On the basis of laccase activity, Brevundimonas genus was found to have higher laccase activity among the other isolates, and was determined using phylogenetic analysis. The sequence received the Gen Bank accession number KP712776. The crude enzyme isolated from Brevundimonas sp. MVSP strain showed the maximum laccase activity of 5.24 U ml-1 at the optimum conditions. ????    


Interpretation: This is the first report which claims that Brevundimonas sp. MVSP produced laccase enzyme using CuSO4 and guaiacol as an inducer. The novel Brevundimonas sp. MVSP strain had achieved maximum laccase activity of 5.24 U ml-1 at optimized pH (6.5) and temperature (35?C) in 96 hr. This potent organism could be a suitable candidate for the large-scale production of laccase and it may be used to treat various industrial effluents from textile, paper and pulp industry etc.



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