conservation practices in maize-mustard cropping system: Impact on energy,
soil carbon and nutrient dynamics
Jakhar1,2*, K.S. Rana2, A. Dass2, A.K.
Choudhary2, M. Choudhary3, P.P. Adhikary1
and J. Maharana4
1Reserach Centre,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Koraput -763 002, India
2Division of
Agronomy, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012
3Division of Crop
Production, ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi- 284
003, India
University of Agriculture and Technology, Semiliguda, Koraput -763 002, India
Author E-mail:
Carbon sequestration
Energy indices
Semi-arid region
Zero tillage
Publication Data
Paper received : 24.12.2016
Revised received : 03.06.2017
Accepted : 01.11.2017?? ???
Aim: Ensuring incessant
availability of water and nutrient is an arduous task particularly in rainfed
areas. Hence, certain resource conservation measures are needed in those
areas for increasing productivity under new emerging cropping systems. Impact
of different resource and moisture conservation practices on yield,
economics, energy and nutrient dynamics was studied on maize-mustard cropping
system in semi-arid region of India. ??
experiment was laid out in split-plot design with three replications. The
main plot treatments consisted of four soil moisture conservation practices
in kharif season maize i.e. ridges and furrows (RF), RF + crop residue
(CR) @ 4 t ha-1, RF + CR @ 2 tha-1 + VAM and flat
sowing (FS). Five zero tillage (ZT) management techniques in rabi season
mustard i.e. ZT, ZT + seed priming, ZT + CR @ 4 t ha-1, ZT + CR @
2 t ha-1 + Hydrogel and conventional tillage (CT) were undertaken
in sub plots in mustard under cropping system mode. ??
Results: Planting of maize and mustard under RF with 4 t ha-1
crop residue recorded significantly higher system productivity during 2014-15
and 2015-16 over other treatments. Among the ZT management practices, ZT + CR
4 t ha-1 registered maximum MEY in first and second year,
respectively. After 2 years of study, maximum SOC sequestration rate (3.48 t
ha-1yr-1) was observed in RF + CR 2 t ha-1 +
VAM followed by control (FS, 3.40 t ha-1yr-1)
treatment. Among the sub-plot treatments, ZT + CR 2 tha-1 +
hydrogel recorded maximum values of SOC sequestration rate to the tune of??
3.42 t ha-1yr-1, respectively. Nutrient balance studies
showed, RF + CR 4 t ha-1 having positive N balance (75 kg ha-1)
whereas under sub-plot treatments N balance varied from 113-154 kg ha-1
with maximum N balance obtained in CT.? ??
maize under RF moisture conservation technique with application of crop
residue @ 4 t ha-1 and mustard with ZT + CR 4 t ha-1
were found superior in terms of overall productivity in maize-mustard
cropping system, which also fetched maximum net returns. Higher output energy
was obtained in above mentioned treatments, while energy-use efficiency and
energy productivity was higher under control treatments.
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conclusions enforced or derived, rest completely with the author(s).