of soil nutrients, physical and biological characteristics of paddy fields
after lifting measures : A case study of
Ganjiang region
Zhang1*, L. Han1, Y. Ji2, M. Duan2,
G. Cai3, J. Wu4, W. Zhu2, G. Gao2,
Y. Peng2 and Y. Zhou2
1College of
Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing-210 098, China
2College of Water
Conservancy? and Ecological Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology,
Nanchang-330 099, China
Engineering Research Center of Water Engineering Safety and? Resources
Efficient Utilization, Nanchang-330 099, China
4Shanghai Academy
of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai-200 233, China
Author E-mail:
Ganjiang region
Integrated fertility index
Lifting measure
Paddy soil
Soil nutrients
Publication Data
Paper received : 16.01.2017
Revised received : 26.06.2017
Re-revised received :
Accepted : 07.11.2017?? ???
Aim: Lifting measures
combining stripping of soil surface with lifting of soil by stone and clay
have been widely employed to solve land-flooding conflicts in water project
construction. The aim of the present research was to demonstrate the
physical, biological and nutrient characteristics of soil at different
intervals after taking the lifting measures. ??
farm field cultivation, thirty nine sites of three different kinds were
selected to reflect the effect of construction of the Xiajiang Water Control
Project on soil characteristics. Soils were collected to test the physical,
chemical, and nutrient properties. Soil quality indices were combined with
statistical analyses to evaluate the effect of the lifting measures. ??
Results: After the lifting measures were employed, the quality
of soil physical properties and nutrients, such as the level of soil moisture
content, soil respiration intensity, soil organic carbon value and total
nitrogen decreased significantly in the first year. Compared with non-lifted
areas, both physical and chemical properties decreased to a certain degree.
However, soil quality gradually recovered via continuous management and
cultivation, and no significant difference between the lifted and non-lifted
areas was observed after three years of cultivation based on the Integrated
Fertility Index? ??
measures can destroy the soil structure in the early stage and thus degrade
the soil quality and nutrient cycles. Through scientific management and
cultivation, soil physical and chemical properties could be gradually
ameliorated after several years.
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conclusions enforced or derived, rest completely with the author(s).