assessment in Abelmoschus tuberculatus : A DIVA-GIS study
Chand1*, N. Dikshit1, N. Sivaraj2, S.S.
Gomashe1 and M.A. Nizar1
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Dr. PDKV Campus, Akola-444
104, India
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad-500 030, India
Author E-mail: nbpgrakl@yahoo.com
Biotic stress tolerance
Genetic Diversity
Resistance sources
Wild Okra
Publication Data
Paper received : 23.12.2016
Revised received : 26.08.2017
Re-revised received :
Accepted : 02.12.2017??
Aim: Variability in Abelmoschus
tuberculatus Pal & Singh from North Western, Central Indian and its
adjoining regions has not been studied for agro-morphological traits.
Considering the importance of this wild species as a donor for desirable
traits, the study was carried out to assess the diversity for increasing its
utilization in okra breeding programmes. ??
eight accessions of wild okra were grown in an augmented block design during
the kharif seasons of 2014-15 and 2015-2016 at Akola, India. Nine
qualitative and ten quantitative traits were recorded. Data-Interpolating
Variational Analysis-Geographic Information System (DIVA ? GIS) version 7.5
and SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 were used for diversity and statistical
analyses, respectively.?
variability was observed in qualitative and quantitative traits. High
coefficient of variation was observed in fruits per plant (52.56 %) followed
by? first fruit producing node (46.03%), first flowering node (43.8%) and
number of seeds per fruit (38.82) suggesting existence of diversity for these
traits. Dendrogram (Wards method) articulated two clusters comprising 21 and
37 genotypes, respectively. DIVA-GIS grid maps generated for diversity
analysis in A. tuberculatus indicated that the Central Indian region
was diversity rich pocket. Shannon diversity index and coefficient of
variation values for plant height, days to maturity, number of fruits per
plant, fruit length, number of seeds per fruit and 100 seed weight indicated
Central region of Maharashtra as potential region for diversity of these
traits.? ??
analysis revealed that Central Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, are
diversity rich pockets for wild okra (A. tuberculatus) germplasm in
fruit traits. The desirable traits viz., resistances to pest and diseases
identified in A. tuberculatus may be worth introducing into the
cultivated species in future okra improvement programmes
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