of antimicrobial peptide biosynthesis-gene-linked antagonistic Lysinibacillus
sphaericus strains for management of bacterial plant diseases in Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, India
Sakthivel1*, K. Manigundan1, R.K. Gautam1,
P.K. Singh1, Yogeshwari1, T. Subramani1,
S.K. Sharma2 and R. Khande3
1Division of Field
Crop Improvement and Protection, ICAR- Central Island Agricultural Research
Institute, Andaman & Nicobar Islands-744 101, India
Agriculturally Important? Microbial Culture Collection, ICAR-National Bureau
of Agriculturally? Important Microorganisms, Mau Nath Bhanjan - 275 001,
3Department of
Biotechnology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal-462 026, India
*Corresponding Author
Antagonistic activity
AMP biosynthesis genes
Biological control
Rhizosphere soil
Publication Data
Paper received : 23.11.2016
Revised received : 11.05.2017
Re-revised received :
Accepted : 13.10.2017 ?????
Aim: The present study
aimed to investigate the bioefficacy of antimicrobial peptide-gene-linked
antagonistic Lysinibacillus sphaericus strains isolated from Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, India for controlling diseases in plants.? ????
Bacillus spp. isolated
from different niches of Andaman & Nicobar Islands were characterized for
antimicrobial and PGP- traits. The identity of potential isolates was
confirmed by 16SrRNA gene sequence analysis. Biocontrol potential of selected
isolates against chili bacterial wilt pathogen was tested in glasshouse
conditions. The antimicrobial peptide biosynthesis genes responsible for
antagonistic activities of Lysinibacillus sphaericus strains were
analysed by PCR based methods.? ?
Results: Out of fifty two isolates tested, two Lysinibacillus
sphaericus strains (Ls_Agu and NS2) collected from Nicobar sea sand and
chili crop rhizosphere of South Andaman Islands were found good in in-vitro
antagonistic potential against important plant bacterial pathogens: Ralstonia
solanacearum (solanaceous bacterial wilt) and Xanthomonas oryzae
pv. oryzae (rice bacterial blight) using an agar diffusion assay. In
glasshouse study, both the strains Ls_Agu and NS2 showed significant
biocontrol efficacy (88.9% and 66.7%) against Ralstonia solanacearum,
which causes bacterial wilt disease in chili. The antimicrobial potential of
these strains were further ascertained by presence of three AMP biosynthesis
genes (surfactin, bacilysin and fengycin) in both the strains through PCR
amplification. ?????
overall results revealed the antimicrobial peptide-gene-linked strains Ls_Agu
and NS2 of L. sphaericus have ability to control bacterial plant
disease under Islands conditions and the same strains could be utilized for
popularization on Islands for management of the bacterial diseases.
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