responses and effective selection criteria
drought tolerant plants
Park1,2, H.J. Im3, H.G. Kim2, W.H. Yang2,
S.H. Yong2 and M. S. Choi1,2*
1Institute of
Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828,
The Republic of Korea
2Division of
Environmental Forest Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828,
The Republic of Korea
3Plant Propagation
and Reproduction Division, Baekdudaegan National Arboretum, Bonghwa 36209, The
Republic of Korea
*Corresponding Author
Drought tolerant plants
Metabolites monitoring
Physiological assessment
Screening method
Withering rates
Publication Data
Paper received : 08.12.2016
Revised received : 10.07.2017
Re-revised received :
Accepted : 30.12.2017 ?????
Aim: The present study
was carried out to establish the method for screening drought tolerant Korean
native plants and to analyze the appearances of drought tolerant Korean
native plants on drought stress.? ????
Korean native plant species (Scilla scilloides, Commelina communis,
Hemerocallis fulva, Bupleurum latissimum, Hosta plantaginea, Iris dichotoma,
Lysimachia barystachys, Viola mandshurica, Amphicarpaea bracteata,
Aeschynomene indica, Dianthus chinensis and Urtica thunbergiana),
which were 16-week-old seedlings, were exposed to drought stress by stopping
irrigation to observe phenotypic, physiological and biochemical responses.? ?
Results: Based on the withering rates under drought condition,
the plants were classified into three groups; drought tolerant (S.
scilloides, C. communis, H. fulva, B. latissimum, H. plantaginea and I.
dichotoma), normal (L. barystachys, V. mandshurica and A.
bracteata) and sensitive (A. indica, D. chinensis and U.
thunbergiana) group. While chlorophyll contents of the plants were
generally decreased in the drought condition, the extents of decrement in the
sensitive group were larger than in the tolerant group. RWCs in the tolerant
group were higher than in the other groups on the same periods of drought
condition. Proline and soluble reducing sugars accumulated in the sensitive
group much earlier than in the tolerant group. ?????
results revealed that S. scilloides, C. communis, H. fulva, B. latissimum,
H. plantaginea and I. dichotoma were screened as drought tolerant
plants and the established method in the study can be applied to screen
drought tolerant plants for Korean natives.