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Journal of Environmental Biology

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    Abstract - Issue Jul 2018, 39 (4)                                     Back

nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene

Comparative study on cadmium accumulation and its toxicity in

fish fry of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio


S.K. Vadlamani1,2, C.K.Basuri2 and P.R. Yallapragada2*

1Department of Zoology, Maharajah's Autonomous College, Vizianagaram - 535 002, India

2Department of Zoology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530 003, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail:




Key words

Cadmium accumulation

Cyprinus carpio fry

Growth parameters

Labeo rohita fry




Publication Data

Paper received : 08.05.2017

Revised received : 18.07.2017

Re-revised received : 13.10.2017

Accepted : 13.12.2017 ?????      



Aim: Metal contamination in aquatic systems has been getting much attention during last few decades because of its persistent and toxic nature. Since cadmium is one of the most toxic metals, this study was carried out to investigate the tolerance, metal accumulation and growth on the fry of freshwater fishes Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio.? ??   


Methodology: The fry of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio were collected from fish breeding ponds of Kadiyam and Dwarapudi, East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India. The toxic effect of cadmium on fish fry was determined by following static renewal bioassay methods. Growth parameters such as total length, wet weight and dry weight of fish fry were measured when exposed to sub lethal concentration (0.1998 ppm and 4.938 ppm for L. rohita and C. carpio respectively) of cadmium. Metal accumulation was estimated with atomic absorption spectrophotometer.? ?       


Results: Initially the LC50 concentrations of cadmium for the fry of L. rohita (0.994 ppm) and C. carpio (24.69 ppm) were determined by exposing them to different concentrations of metal. These studies revealed that the fry of L. rohita was more sensitive to cadmium than that of C. carpio. When exposed to their sub lethal concentration, the response was different in the fry of both fish. In L. rohita, maximum decrease of 7.3%, 10.24% and 16.32% was observed in mean length, wet weight and dry weight respectively over their relevant controls at 20 days exposure. In comparison, C. carpio registered more decrease in mean length, wet weight and dry weight (16.95%, 11.2% and 41.96%) under similar conditions as above. These results were substantiated by metal accumulation studies.?? ??          


Interpretation: To determine the impact of cadmium toxicity, larval phase (fry) should be considered as an important stage. Cadmium is known to accumulate in tissues of Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio fry resulting in reduction of growth significantly with respect to their control.



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