characteristics of heavy metals in flood plains, farm fields and high lands
in Lake Poyang region in China
Ji1*, J. Zhang1,2, C. Bai1,3, W. Zhu1,
G. Cai1, L. Hu1 and G. Gao1,4
1School of Water
Conservancy and Ecological Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology,
Nanchang, 330 099, China
2College of
Environmental, Hohai University, Nanjing 210 098, China
3Key Laboratory of
Water Science and Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing,
210 029, China
4Water Resource and
Eco-system Environmental Research Center for Poyang Lake, Ministry of water
resources, Nanchang, 330 029, China
Author E-mail: jiyong@nit.edu.cn
Flood plains
Heavy metals
Lake Poyang
Mining activities
Rice fields
Publication Data
Paper received :
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Accepted : 17.05.2017???????????
Aim: Rice plantations
have greatly contributed to the population and economic growth of Lake Poyang
Basin, where heavy metal contamination has become increasingly serious due to
considerable non ferrous metal mining and processing enterprises. Based on
the values of heavy metals of soils sampled from the Le'An River Basin area,
the present study aimed to investigate the pollutants distribution
characteristics in flood plains, farmlands and rice fields, identify the
potential sources and assess the ecological risk.
a full survey in the midstream area of the Le'An River, twenty-nine sampling
stations were selected from the flood plains, farmlands and high lands, and
analyzed using a sequential chemical extraction method. Sediment quality values,
pollution indexes and geoaccumulation indexes were combined with statistical
analyses and were performed to evaluate the spatial characteristics of heavy
metals, assess the ecosystem risks and identify the potential sources. ????
was a clear spatial Evalnating the effect of mining activities distribution
characteristic with a significant increasing trend from the high lands to the
flood plains, where heavy metal concentrations were significantly higher than
the corresponding background values, such as the levels of Cd and Cu at
Station 6 and Station 18, respectively. Furthermore, the ratio of
bioavailability metal chemical partition was over 50% of the total metals.
Various assessments that employed different methods indicated that the degree
of contamination in the flood plains was extreme, whereas the pollution in
the rice plant fields was lower than that in the flood plains. Two sources of
pollutants were revealed through statistical analysis, one that was explained
by the mixed origin of industrial emissions and one that was related to
terrigenous components.? ??????
activities such as domestic runoffs, mining processes, irrigation and
petroleum industries may significantly contribute to the distribution of
heavy metals.
? 2017 Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can
be reproduced in any form without prior permission. Responsibility
regarding the authenticity of the data, and the acceptability of the
conclusions enforced or derived, rest completely with the author(s).