study on concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons in lentic water bodies
near oil field areas of upper Assam, India
Basumatary1, M. K. Das2*, S. Baishya2 and S.
1Department of Botany,
North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous), Lakhimpur-787 031, India
Management and Environment Section, Life Sciences Division, Institute of
Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati-781 035, India
Author E-mail: das_mk08@rediffmail.com
Lentic water body,
Oil fields,
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Publication Data
received : 09.09.2015
received : 23.02.2016
received : 22.07.2016
Accepted : 13.09.2016
Aim: Contamination of
water and soil by crude oil and their accumulation in biota as a result of
exploration, production, maintenance, transportation, storage and accidental
release, add hazardous chemicals to the ecosystem. To determine the spatial
and temporal variations of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations
in water, sediment and plant samples, a study was conducted in ten selected
lentic water bodies in and around oil fields, group gathering stations and oil
collecting stations of upper Assam, India.
samples (water, sediment and plant) were collected seasonally during June,
2013 to May, 2014. Water samples were collected from the surface in
amber colored glass bottles. The sediment samples were collected from 15 -
30cm depth below the water surface with soil sampler from three points (1/4,
1/2 and 3/4) across the lentic water bodies in sterile polythene bags.
Aquatic plant samples were uprooted, carefully separated from the soil and rinsed.
The samples were transported to the laboratory in ice boxes under low
temperature conditions and TPH extraction was done by standard methods. The
extracted samples from water, sediment and plants were analysed for TPH in
Gas Chromatography.
showed that both water and sediments contained significant (p < 0.05)
concentration of TPH ranging between 89 to 843 mg l-1 and 9843.35
to 59194.48 mg kg-1 respectively. The collected plants also showed
the presence of significant (p < 0.05) concentration of TPH in shoot (295
to 872 mg kg-1) and in root (178 to 617 mg kg-1).
TPH concentration in water, sediments and plants were relatively higher
during the post monsoon season compared to winter and monsoon seasons. The TPH
content in plants varied considerably with species.
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