haematopoiesis as survival strategy in two characteristic habitat specialist
fishes inhabiting
hill stream environment
Chaudhuri, K. Gangopadhyay and S. Homechaudhuri*
Department of
Zoology, Aquatic Bioresource Research Laboratory,? University of Calcutta, Kolkata?700
019, India
Author E-mail: sumithomec@yahoo.com ?
Garra gotyla gotyla,
Garra annandalei,
Head kidney,
Survival strategy
received : 09.01.2016
received : 13.06.2016
Accepted : 06.11.2016
Aim: The torrential
hill streams of eastern Himalayan region represent a unique lotic water
ecosystem. The fish population inhabiting this region are designated as
habitat specialists. Being good indicator of different environmental factors,
haematopoiesis can be considered as an important component in survival
strategy of such characteristic fish. So, the aim of the present study was to
perform quantitative and qualitative evaluation of developing blood cells in
the head kidney of two such habitat specialist fish species of River Murti- Garra
gotyla gotyla and Garra annandalei.
gotyla gotyla
and Garra annandalei were collected from three different sites of
river Murti selected along decreasing altitudinal gradient and different
habitat type. Tissue imprint technique and haematopoietic efficiency
determination method were employed for qualitative and quantitative analysis
of haematopoietic cells. Cell cycle phase distribution of nuclear DNA of head
kidney cells were determined by flow cytometry.
types of hematopoietic precursors and mature cells in erythroid and lymphoid
lineage at different developmental stages were identified and documented
through cytological description and morphometry in head kidneys of both the
species. The erythroid lineage was dominant over all other lineages with
relatively less storage forms and more young and mature erythrocyte
population which was about 55.73% and 47.74% of the whole haematopoietic
components studied in Garra gotyla gotyla and Garra annandalei,
respectively. The flow cytometry analysis of the head kidney cells of both
the species according to their Forward scatter (size) and Side scatter
(granularity) properties revealed two distinct populations corresponding to
small agranular and large granular cells. The percentage distribution of such
cells by flow cytometry corroborated with the observation under light
microscopy. Cell cycle analysis and erythropoietic efficiency of head kidney
also revealed significantly high maturation rate of developing blood cells in
Garra gotyla gotyla than Garra annandalei. ???
differential pattern of erythropoiesis might indicate its functional
significance reflecting differences in the survival strategies and habitat
selection of Garra gotyla gotyla and Garra annandalei.
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conclusions enforced or derived, rest completely with the author(s).