of a bench-scale UASB reactor treating real substitute natural gas wastewater
with glucose addition
Li1*, Tao Xiang1 and Dongning Chen2
1School of
Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shenyang JianZhu University,
Shenyang 110168, Peoples Republic of China.
2Shenyang Urban
Planning Design and Research Institute, Shenyang 110168, Peoples Republic of
Author E-mail:
Paper received:
28 September 2015
Revised received:
27 April 2016
Re-revised received:
05 May 2016
23 June 2016
on a up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) treating real substitute natural
gas wastewater (SNGW) with glucose addition was conducted. The UASB was analyzed
and addition of glucose remained as co-substrate during the whole start-up
period. Excellent treatment performance was achieved when SNGW was treated
with 500 mg l-1 glucose. The anaerobic reactor was operated
continuously at 35 ?C for 125 days. After increasing the organic
loading rate, fluctuations in removal efficiencies were observed, which were
partly reversible. At the end of the reactor operation, removal of chemical
oxygen demand was 60% and 44% respectively. The organic loading rate and hydraulic
retention time was 1.2 kg COD/(m3?day) and 72 hrs. Gas
chromatography?mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis showed that the phenolic
compounds decreased to a low level at this condition. The main phenols in the
anaerobic effluent were phenol, m-cresol, o-cresol and 2-methyl-Naphthalene.
The biodegradation process of microorganisms showed the effect on toxic
organic compounds of SNGW with the glucose addition. On the whole, the system
exhibited good stability in terms of COD and phenols, and was found to be
efficient and convenient method for SNGW.
Phenols, Substitute natural gas wastewater, UASB
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