of a genetic linkage map and identification of QTL associated with growth
traits in Malus sieversii
Liu1,2, D.E. Bao1, D.L. Liu2 and X.S. Chen2*
1College of
horticulture and landscape architecture, Henan Institution of Science and
Technology,Xin Xiang, He Nan-453003, China 2State Key Laboratory of Crop
Biology, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai An, Shan Dong-271018, China
Author E-mail:
Paper received:
15 January 2016
Revised received:
27 April 2016
Re-revised received:
5 May 2016
23 June 2016
110 F1
individuals of apple were obtained by crossing between a good quality
cultivar 'Red Fuji'of Malus domestica and an accession 'Hongrou Apple'of Malus
sieversii. Using Joinmap3.0, a molecular genetic linkage map of Malus
sieversii was constructed by 175 SSR and 105 SRAP markers which were integrated
into 17 linkage groups and spanned 1299.67cM in genome with an average
distance of 4.6cM between the markers. By using interval mapping method,17
QTLs for eight growth traits of Malus sieversii were detected,
including 2 QTLs for tree height on c1 and c16, 2 QTLs for stem height on c7,
2 QTLs for stem thickness on c3, 2 QTLs for new shoot length on c15 and c16,
2 QTLs for new shoot diameter on c2, 3 QTLs for internode number on c1, c2
and c2, 2 QTLs for internode length on c1 and c2, 2 QTLs for lenticel density
on c17, respectively. The phenotypic variations explained by each QTL ranged
from 10.15% to 41.66%, and their LOD values varied from 2.54 to 4.53, of
which five QTLs were major effect genes (LOD?3.5).
traits, Malus sieversii, Molecular genetic linkage map, QTL analysis
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