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Abstract - Issue Sep 2016, 37 (5) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
reverse logistics network design for the waste of electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE) under recovery uncertainty
Qiang1* and Xing-Zhong Zhou2
1*School of
Business and Administrator, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, Liaoning,
2Department of
Automotive Engineering, Shandong Huayu University of Technical, Dezhou,
Shandong China
Author E-mail:
Paper received:
25 October 2015
Revised received:
27 April 2016
Re-revised received:
05 May 2016
23 June 2016
recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become a
major issue for solid waste management. Exploring new ways to dispose of WEEE
has become mandatory in most of the countries in the world. Reverse logistics
which is the backward flows of used product from consumers to producers is an
important stage dealing with the WEEE. The reverse logistics network design
for WEEE plays an important role in the total cost of recovery system. With
this study, taking into account the uncertainty of reverse logistics network
operation for WEEE, a robust mixed integer linear programming model for WEEE
reverse logistics network was established for handling problem, which was
affected by the uncertainty of recovery based on the risk preference
coefficient and penalty coefficient deviated from the constraints, that could
allow decision-makers to adjust the robust level of the operation system and
risk preferences. The calculation and simulation of the model is used for
lingo 11.0. The result showed that the robust mixed integer linear
programming model was better than the classic model, which had a lower
operational risk and could give consideration to the cycles of different
circumstances that is effective in inhibiting the uncertainty of reverse
logistics system for WEEE.
design, Reverse logistics, Recovery uncertainty, Robust optimization, WEEE
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