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Abstract - Issue Sep 2016, 37 (5) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
of treated wastewater on soil hydraulic properties and vegetable crop under
irrigation with treated wastewater, field study and statistical analysis
S. Balkhair1,2
1Center of
Excellence in Desalination Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589,
Saudi Arabia
of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Faculty of Meteorology,
Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah,
21589, Saudi Arabia
Author E-mail:
Paper received:
05 January 2016
Revised received:
27 April 2016
Re-revised received:
05 May 2016
23 June 2016
to aridity, scarcity and unsustainably of natural water resources many
developing countries tend to utilize wastewater for crop production. The use
of treated wastewater in irrigation has many advantages and disadvantages to
soil, crop and environment. The objective of the study was to investigate the
effect of irrigation with wastewater on soil physical and hydraulic
properties of soil, as well as the effect on yield, yield components and
irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of vegetable crop grown under surface
and subsurface drip irrigation systems. Field experiments were carried out
over two consecutive seasons (2011 and 2012) at an agricultural field site in
Saudi Arabia. A strip plot design (split block) was constructed to maintain
six wastewater qualities. Crop water requirement was calculated by Penman
Monteith equation for dry land condition. Physical and hydraulic properties
of soil were analyzed at pre-season and post-season to quantify the impact of
wastewater treatment. Results were statistically analyzed by analysis of
variance and mean separation by LSD test. Post-season analysis indicates that
the second layer of soil profile was affected. The saturated hydraulic
conductivity decreased by 43%, a value increased by 6%, and n
value decreased by 2%. Accordingly simulation results a reduction of
cumulative flow through soil profile was observed. On the other hand, the
response of vegetable crop to wastewater qualities, irrigation systems and
growing seasons was different. The fruit yield and IWUE under subsurface
irrigation system were significant as compared to surface irrigation system
using two seasons. However, the local groundwater (LGW) practice produced
highest yield and maximum IWUE; followed by qualities containing less
percentage of wastewater. The statistical approach was successful in the
analysis of designed experiment.
traits, Irrigation system, Wastewater, Water use efficiency, Yield
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