analysis of soybean varying in water
efficiency using SSRs markers
Mithlesh Kumar1,2*and
S.K. Lal1
1Division of
Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi-110 012,
2Department of
Genetic and Plant Breeding, C.P. College of Agriculture, S. D. Agricultural
University, S.K. Nagar-385 506, India
Author?s E-mail:
Paper received:
08 February 2014
Revised received:
31 July 2014
Re-revised received:
06 September 2014
17 November 2014
A set
of 91 soybean germplasm lines, collected from different parts of the world,
were screened for Water Use Efficiency (WUE) using Carbon Isotope
Discrimination (CID) technique and were characterized for 10 quantitative
traits. After screening under field condition, 44 soybean genotypes showed
variations in WUE. Molecular diversity of these 44 diverse soybean lines was
carried out with 26 Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) markers, of which 10 were
polymorphic (38.47% polymorphism). 28 alleles were observed which were
distributed over 10 loci, with an average of 2.8 alleles per locus.
Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) value of 10 polymorphic markers ranged
from 0.40 (locus Satt460) to 0.67 (locus satt260), with an average of 0.46.
Pair-wise genetic similarity value, as calculated by simple matching
coefficient, ranged from 0.99 to 0.40, with an average of 0.70. Genotypes
were clustered using NTSYS-pc software employing unweighted paired group
method using arithmetic averages to generate the dendrogram. Dendrogram
exhibited 8 distinct clusters with a similarity coefficient of 0.69.
Genotypes having low to medium and medium to high CID value were clustered in
distant groups indicating usefulness of these polymorphic SSRs markers for
differentiating genotypes on the basis of their CID value. The findings of
this study indicate the need for broadening genetic base of the present
Indian soybean cultivars through use of exotic sources of variation towards
WUE. Thus, diverse genotypes identified in this study would be beneficial to
soybean breeders to develop mapping population to identify QTLs for WUE.
isotope discrimination, Dendrogram, Molecular diversity,? Polymorphism
information content Simple matching coefficient
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