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Abstract - Issue May 2015, 36 (3) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
of integrated nutrient management for sustaining soil health and sugarcane
yield in South Western Punjab
Kuldeep Singh1*,
O.P. Choudhary2, Kulvir Singh1, Harmandeep Singh1,
Satnam Singh1 and R.S. Singh1
Agricultural University, Regional Station, Faridkot-151 203, India
2Department of
Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004, India
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Publication Data
Paper received:
29 August 2013
Revised received:
31 March 2014
03 July 2014
field study was conducted from 2006-2010 for three plant - ratoon cycles of
sugarcane at Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Station, Faridkot to
explore the possibilities of incorporating organic components of nutrients in
sugarcane cultivation. The recommended nitrogen (Rd N) for plant and ratoon
crop of sugarcane was 150 kg ha-1 and 225 kg ha-1,
respectively. Nitrogen was applied as organic (FYM) and inorganic (urea) in
various proportions. In addition to urea and FYM, biofertilizer (Azotobacter
and PSB) and trash mulching was applied and green manuring of green
gram (Phaseolus radiata) was done in various treatments. The pest
control was also done by chemicals or by cultural practices. The pooled
results for three years indicated that in plant crop, the cane yield of 80.4
t ha-1 was obtained when recommended dose of N was given as urea
and pests were controlled chemically. This was significantly higher than all
other treatments, except 76.9 t ha-1 yield obtained when 25% of Rd
N was applied from FYM + Biofertilizer + 75% of Rd N from Urea + pest control
by cultural mode. In ratoon crop, cane yield (72.6 t ha-1) was
recorded with 100% Rd N from urea + trash burning + chemical pest control,
which was at par other combinations of N supply. Replacing 25% N by FYM
showed good performance in plant-ratoon system indicating possibilities of
saving 25% nitrogen fertilizers without affecting yield levels of sugarcane.
Green Manuring, Sugarcane, Trash mulching, Urea
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