of Pseudomonas sp. JH 51-2 to stabilize lead in
site soil
Jaehong Shim1,2,
Patrick J. Shea2, Ik-Boo Jung1, Byung-Taek Oh1
and Min Cho1*
1Division of
Biotechnology, Advanced Institute of Environment and Bioscience, College of
Environmental and Bioresource Sciences, Chonbuk National University, Iksan,
Jeonbuk 570-752, South Korea
2School of Natural
Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0817, USA
Author?s E-mail: cho317@jbnu.ac.kr
Paper received:
05 April 2014
Revised received:
05 December 2014
Re-revised received:
29 December 2014
25 February 2015
potential of a lead (Pb)-tolerant Pseudomonas sp. JH 51-2 strain to
promote Pb stabilization was evaluated in mining site soil. The strain was
isolated from soil containing multiple heavy metals. Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) showed that cell walls were surrounded by extracellular
substances and scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectroscopy
(SEM-EDS) confirmed the presence of Pb on the surface of cell membrane.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that amino acids,
phospholipids and extracellular polysaccharides were involved in Pb
complexation and biosorption. Sequential extraction and toxicity
characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) showed decreased Pb availability in
mining site soil in the presence of Pseudomonas sp. JH 51-2. Results
indicate that Pseudomonas sp. JH 51-2 is an efficient biological
stabilizer of Pb in contaminated soil. ?
Lead, Pseudomonas sp., Sequential extraction, Toxicity characteristic
leaching procedure
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