and Aflatoxicosis associated with tubers and leaves of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea
batatas) in Osun state,
Western Nigeria
Mojeed Oladapo
Department of?
Applied Science, Osun State Polytechnic, P.M.B. 301, Iree, Osun state,
Author?s E-mail:
Paper received:
29 April 2013
Revised received:
03 January 2014
Re-revised received:
19 August 2014
11 September 2014
and leaves of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas ) are often contaminated with
Aspergillus infection due to aflatoxin production. The present study was
carried out to investigate the extent of in-vivo aflatoxin production due to
Aspergillus infection, in different genotypes of sweet potatoes with
different morphological and phenotypic characteristics. The genotypes
selected were TIS 8441, CIP Tanzania, TIS 8164, TIS 2532.OP1.13, TIS 87/ 0087
as well as Anamo Adayeba Pupa (local breed). Optimal aflatoxins were produced
under aerobic conditions, at 30 ?C and high inoculum density during five days
of incubation period. A strong relationship was observed between inoculum
density and aflatoxin concentration. The physical and biochemical composition
of the tubers and leaves of Anamo Adayeba Pupa makes it susceptible to
Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin production. The fresh and dry leaves of
Anamo Adayeba pupa, contained 2.208 ppb and 2.18 ppb of aflatoxins however, high
levels of Aspergillosis was produced in the tubers with negligible amount of
aflatoxins, however TIS 8441, CIP Tanzania, TIS 8164, `TIS 2532OP.1.13 were
resistant to Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin production. The positive
regression model showed correlation coefficient (R) value of 0.912 and 0.906
in fresh and dried leaves of Anamo Adayeba Pupa. A significant and positive
correlation was found between Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin
contamination. ?
Aspergillosis, Aspergillus flavus, Ipomoea batatas
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