of leaf nutrient content with fruit yield and
of pear
M.A. Dar1,
J.A. Wani1, S.K. Raina1*, M.Y. Bhat2 and
M.A. Malik1
1Division of Soil
Science, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of
Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar-19112, India
2Division of Fruit
Science, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of
Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar -19112, India
Author?s E-mail:
Paper received:
29 August 2013
Revised received:
19 March 2014
Revised received:
10 April 2014
28 August 2014
order to evaluate the effect of leaf nutrient content on fruit yield and
quality parameters of pear cultivar ?Bartlett? in Kashmir valley, a study was
conducted, which showed that nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur
content in foliage revealed significant and positive relationship with fruit
length, diameter, weight , volume, total soluble solids, total sugar and yield.
The leaf calcium content exhibited significant and positive correlation only
with fruit firmness, whereas leaf magnesium content indicated significant and
negative relationship with total sugar. The zinc, copper, iron and manganese
level in leaf showed significant and positive relationship with fruit length,
diameter, volume, weight, total sugars, total soluble solids and yield. The
study revealed that nutrients considerably effect the yield and quality
attributes of pear. ?
quality, Leaf nutrients, Pear cultivar
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