induced gene mutations in Culex quinquefasciatus
Preety Bhinder
Department of
Zoology, Punjab University, Chandigarh-160 014, India
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Publication Data
Paper received:
16 April 2013
Revised received:
22 September 2013
Re-revised received:
16 December 2013
05 May 2014
of chlorpyrifos was evaluated by using the genetic material of mosquito Culex
quinquefasciatus. Second instar larvae were treated with LC20
of chlorpyrifos for 24 hrs and induced mutations in the sequence of
mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (543bp) were studied from restriction
patterns generated with AluI, PacI and PsiI restriction
endonucleases. Variation in the number and size of digested fragments were
observed from treated individual when compared with control, showing that the
restriction enzymes created a cut at unrelated locations. In addition,
sequences of 16S gene from control and treated individuals were also used to
confirm the RFLP patterns. When 16S gene sequences of control and
treated individuals were compared, induced mutations in the form of deletion,
insertion and substitution of bases were observed in chlorpyrifos treated
individual. It was found that after chlorpyrifos treatment, 16S gene sequence
suffered 4 deletions, 8 insertions and 23 substitutions.
Culex quinquefasciatus, Mutagenicity
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