of Endocel and Rogor on serum free amino acid and total protein level in Clarias
batrachus (Linn.)
Prakriti Verma1*,
Bipin Bihari Mishra2 and Prabha Rani1
1Post Graduate
Department of Zoology, Patna University, Patna - 800 005, India
2Post Graduate
Department of Biochemistry, Patna University, Patna - 800 005, India
Author?s E-mail:
Paper received:
25 June 2013
Revised received:
29 January 2014
Re-Revised received:
12 June 2014
17 June 2014
present work was conducted to evaluate the serum free amino acids and total
protein level in control and pesticide exposed fish. The fresh water catfish Clarias
batrachus were exposed to single (1.5 ?l l-1 Rogor and 0.008
?l l-1 Endocel) and combined (1?l l-1 Rogor + 0.004 ?l
l-1 Endocel) dose of Rogor and Endocel pesticides for 21 days.
Every week blood was collected, centrifuged and serum was separated to
estimate free amino acids by thin layer chromatography. Amino acids were
located on chromatogram with 0.1% ninhydrin solution in acetone.
Spectrophotometric reading found that each chromatogram revealed 4-5 fractions
with a wide range of amino acid such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid,
phenylalanine, serine, tyrosine, alanine, methionine, valine, isoleucine and
threonine. The quantity and presence of each amino acid depends on the doses
and exposure of pesticides. Other amino acids were present in lower
concentration and quantitative estimation was not possible. Total protein
content showed a decreasing trend in all the pesticide exposed group from
5.64 g dl-1 to 2.65 g dl-1 as compared to control.
acid, Clarias batrachus, Endocel, Rogor, Thin layer chromatography,
Total protein
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