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Abstract - Issue May 2015, 36 (3) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
of dissolved O3 and OH radicals in water and O3 gas
a submerged low-temperature dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor
Young Sik Lee1*,
Hyoung Kyun Han1 and Cheong-Jo Cheong2
Aquaculture Research Center, National Fisheries Research and Development
Institute, Changwon, Kyungnam 645-806, Korea
2Department of
Environmental Engineering, Sunchon National University, Jeonnam, 540-950,
Author?s Email :
Paper received:
14 February 2013
Revised received:
01 January 2014
19 May 2014
of O3 and OH radicals in water and O3 in air, using a
low-temperature dielectric barrier plasma reactor was investigated to
determine the optimal operating conditions of the plasma reactor in seawater
and freshwater for fisheries. For seawater, increase in dissolved O3
concentration at air flows < 3 l min-1 was slow, while the rate
increased rapidly at air flows > 4 l min-1. For freshwater, O3
concentration at air flows < 3 l min-1 increased slightly after
1 min and then remained unchanged. O3 concentrations were markedly
higher at air flows of 5~7 l min-1 relative to those at air flows
< 3 l min-1, but no further increase occurred after 4 min. The
dissolved O3 concentration for 5.00 ppt salinity increased to >
2.5 mg l-1 for 20 min, while the concentration with added natural
salt and refined salt increased to 0.6 mg l-1 at 5 min and did not
increase further. The maximum concentration of dissolved OH radicals in
seawater was observed at air flow rates of 5~7 l min-1, and the
rate of OH radical production was affected much less by the air flow rate
than O3 generation. The formation of OH radicals was similar in
freshwater and seawater. O3 concentration in air increased more
rapidly in freshwater than in seawater. An air flow rate of 3~4 l min-1
appeared to be optimal for minimizing the generation of O3 gas in
air and maximizing the generation of OH radicals and O3 for
maximum bactericidal effect and water purification.
and OH radicals, Operating parameters, Plasma reactor
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