of ghrelin immunoreactivity in artificially reared Japanese eel, Anguilla
japonica, leptocephalus
metamorphosed glass eel
Nam-Sil Lee,
Dae-Jung Kim*, Bae-Ik Lee, Shin Kwon Kim and Kyung-Kil Kim
New Strategy
Research Center, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Busan
619-705, South Korea
Author?s Email : djkim4128@korea.kr
Publication Data
Paper received:
23 September 2013
Revised received:
08 March 2014
09 April 2014
plays a role in regulation of appetite and satiety, and the orexigenic
effects of peripheral or central ghrelin administration in fish have been
reported. Ghrelin distribution in artificially reared eel leptocephalus and
metamorphosed glass eels were examined in the present study using
immunohistochemical methods. Immunoreactivity was detected in spinal cord,
mucinous pouch, vascular tubules, and skin of eel leptocephalus on various
days-after-hatching. Moreover, predominant immunopositive reactions were
detected in the vascular system, including heart, along with spinal cord,
notochord, head kidney and skin of the metamorphosed glass eel. Ghrelin
immunopositivity was elevated after development of hematopoietic and vascular
systems of the metamorphosed eel. Ghrelin thus, has more marked effects on
physiology after the metamorphosis stage in Japanese eel.
japonica, Eel leptocephalus, Ghrelin, Glass eel, Immunohistochemistry,
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