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    Abstract - Issue Mar 2015, 36 (2)                                     Back

nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene

Effect of sub-lethal concentration of endosulfan on lipid and fatty acid metabolism of spotted murrel, Channa punctatus



Kamal Sarma1*, A.K. Pal2, Grinson-George3 and Kartik Baruah4

1ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna-800 014, India

2Division of Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, Mumbai-400 061, India

3Fishery Resources Assessment Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi-682 018, India

?4Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Centre, Department of Animal Production,? Ghent University, 9000 Gent, Belgium

*Corresponding Author E-mail:


Publication Data

Paper received:

25 February 2013


Revised received:

25 February 2014


Re-revised received:

10 March 2014



20 May 2014



The spotted murrel, Channa punctatus were exposed to sub-lethal concentration of endosulfan (8.1 ?g l-1) for? 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hr to elucidate the impact of pesticide on fatty acid composition of liver and muscle. After endosulfan exposure, fish from each control and experimental tanks were randomly sampled anesthetized, sacrificed and then the liver and muscle were dissected out for lipid and fatty acid (FA) profile. Results showed that total lipid, cholesterol, and triglyceride and FA in liver and muscle, and phospholipid in liver were significantly affected due to pesticide exposure. In liver and muscle tissues, 28.09 and 32.57% reduction of the total lipid, and 42.82 and 49.75% reduction in triglyceride and FA were observed at the end of 96 hrs of exposure. Reduction of total lipid, triglyceride and FA may be due to their mobilization for energy production to combat stress. In FA, oleic (25.46 to 22.48 % in liver and 25.75 to 21.87% in muscle) and linoleic acids (8.04 to 6.83% in liver and 9.88 to 8.09%) were reduced in both the tissues at the end of 96 hr of exposure. It may be concluded that exposure of fish to sub-lethal concentration of endosulfan had influenced the lipid and fatty acid metabolism of Channa punctatus. ?   


 Key words

Channa punctatus, Endosulfan, Fatty acid, Total lipid, Triglyceride 



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