types, dominant compositions, woody plant diversity and stand structure in
Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary of Northeast India
Koushik Majumdar*
and B.K. Datta
Plant Taxonomy
and Biodiversity Laboratory, Department of Botany, Tripura University,
Suryamaninagar-799 022, India
Authors Email :
Paper received:
04 October 2013
Revised received:
02 April 2014
08 July 2014
study was carried out to assess the vegetation types, diversity and
phytosociological status of woody plants in Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary of
Tripura, Northeast India. Vegetation data was derived by 25 line transects
(10m wide and 500m length, each 0.5 ha size). All woody species at ≥10 cm
gbh (Girth at Breast Height) within each plots were measured and counted. A
total of six forest types were classified by cluster analysis using
Importance Value Index (IVI) of 289 woody species. Species diversity, forest
structure and woody community associations were evaluated and discussed. One
way ANOVA revealed significant differences in all species diversity measures
and stand structure along the forest types. Distribution of stem density at
ten different gbh classes showed reverse J-shaped curves. Population status
of woody plants was also examined through grouping of all individuals into
four population age stages viz. sapling (<30cm gbh), adult (≥30 -
<120cm gbh), mature (≥120 - 210cm gbh) and old (≥210cm). To
observe dominant composition and species population trend, IVI of top ten
dominant species from all forest types were tabulated. The present study
suggested that Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary is an important habitat in Tripura
from floristic point of view and it should be conserved on priority basis for
remaining wildlife endurances and monitor for forest livelihoods products for
sustainable biodiversity conservation in this region. ??
Phytosociological structure, Wildlife habitat, Woody community types
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